Gamification in the Classroom: Technological Tools to Enhance Motivation and Learning

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Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo
Karla Nicole Pérez-Andrango
Lorena Gabriela Díaz-Verdezoto
Wilson Vicente Vargas-Caiza


Introduction: Gamification is conceived as an innovative strategy that transforms the educational process by integrating game dynamics into non-play contexts. This approach addresses the demands of an ever-changing society, ensures inclusive and equitable education, and enriches learning experiences by promoting active participation. Elements such as rewards, levels, and leaderboards are employed to capture students' attention and keep them focused. Objective: The goal is to analyze the impact of gamification in the classroom through the use of technological resources, identifying how these strategies can enhance students' motivation and learning. Methodology: The methodology employed adopts a qualitative approach with a descriptive and analytical design. A systematic review of academic literature on the implementation of gamification in education was conducted. Results: The findings of this research not only contribute to existing literature but also significantly improve student motivation and participation, fostering inclusion and educational equity in digital and diverse contexts. Conclusion: In conclusion, gamification enhances learning by transforming monotonous tasks into dynamic experiences. Its implementation requires creativity and careful planning to ensure effectiveness and prevent disengagement.


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How to Cite
Núñez-Naranjo , A. ., Pérez-Andrango , K. ., Díaz-Verdezoto , L. ., & Vargas-Caiza , W. . (2025). Gamification in the Classroom: Technological Tools to Enhance Motivation and Learning. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 36-50.
Author Biographies

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación-CICHE / Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Humanities and Arts with a specialization in Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Educational Research. Master's degree in Social and Productive Project Management. Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences. Engineer in Electronics and Communications. University professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both nationally and internationally. Currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Human Sciences and Education and a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 

Karla Nicole Pérez-Andrango , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Seventh level student of Basic Education, committed to the comprehensive training of boys and girls. Passionate about gamification and educational innovation, I focus my learning and practices on the development of dynamic and technological strategies that promote motivation and meaningful learning in the classroom. My goal is to contribute to the advancement of pedagogical methodologies that transform education into an inclusive, creative and effective process. 

Lorena Gabriela Díaz-Verdezoto , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

I am Lorena Gabriela Díaz Verdezoto, Ecuadorian, currently in my seventh semester of Basic Education at Indoamérica University. I have 4 years of experience as a teacher in Basic Education, and I am dedicated to training new generations, which has allowed me to apply innovative strategies in the classroom. I am committed to my professional development, and my goal is to continue studying and updating my knowledge to make a significant contribution to the educational development of my community. 

Wilson Vicente Vargas-Caiza , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

My name is Wilson Vicente Vargas, I was born in 1986 in the province of Cotopaxi, Canton of Sigchos, I'm a student in the 7th semester of Basic Education at the Universidad Indoamérica, I'm looking for knowledge and skills that prepare me to face the challenges of the professional world. I would like to use my knowledge in the field of education to make a contribution to social and professional development. My passion for teaching allows me to use my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on society. 


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