The importance of cybersecurity education for children

Main Article Content

Dayana Herrera-Shigua
Teresa Mendoza-Solorzano
Leidy León-Navarrete
Maria Zambrano-Antón
Aracelly Núñez-Naranjo


Introduction: Cybersecurity is a critical issue due to the increasing use of digital devices by children. They often access the Internet without proper supervision, exposing them to threats such as cyberbullying and data theft. Objective: The study aims to analyze the risks children face online and propose educational and regulatory strategies to ensure their safety in the digital environment. Methodology: A systematic literature review and content analysis were conducted to identify key variables related to cybersecurity education, cultural diversity, and the development of digital skills. Results: The findings indicate that early cybersecurity education fosters critical skills in children, enabling them to recognize and manage online risks. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of collaboration among educational institutions, families, and governments to create a secure environment. Conclusion: Child cybersecurity requires a comprehensive approach that combines education, supervision, and public policies. Protecting children in the digital environment is not only essential for their immediate safety but also for empowering them as responsible digital citizens in the future.


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How to Cite
Herrera-Shigua , D. ., Mendoza-Solorzano , T. ., León-Navarrete , L. ., Zambrano-Antón , M. ., & Núñez-Naranjo , A. . (2025). The importance of cybersecurity education for children . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 5-19.
Author Biographies

Dayana Herrera-Shigua , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Dayana Lizbeth Herrera Shigua is a future educator who is passionate and committed to the training of new generations. She is currently in her final year of a Bachelor's Degree in Basic General Education at the Indoamerica Technological University. Her dedication and academic effort have prepared her to address the challenges of education with creativity and enthusiasm. With a solid background in pedagogy and didactics, Dayana is preparing to become an innovative and effective educator capable of inspiring and motivating her future students. 

Teresa Mendoza-Solorzano , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Teresa Mendoza Solorzano is a future teacher who is passionate and committed to education. She is currently in her final year of basic general education at the Indoamérica Technological University. Her dedication and passion for teaching have led her to develop an innovative and effective pedagogical approach, which focuses on the comprehensive education of students. Her commitment to education is evident in her academic work and in her active participation in projects and activities related to teaching. With her future career as a teacher, Teresa seeks to inspire and motivate her students to reach their full potential. 

Leidy León-Navarrete , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Leidy León Navarrete is a person passionate about education with a special focus on the implementation of new technologies to improve the learning experience. She is currently in her final year of a Bachelor's Degree in Basic General Education at the Indoamerica Technological University. It is worth noting that her dedication and commitment to education have led her to develop skills and competencies that will allow her to be an effective and innovative educator in the future. 

Maria Zambrano-Antón , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

María Zambrano Antón is an outstanding English teacher in Elementary Basic Education, she has a 3-year experience in teaching, currently works at the Sagrada Familia de Nazaret Educational Unit, is in the last year of the degree in General Basic Education at the Indo-American Technological University, her dedication and passion for teaching the English language have allowed María Zambrano Antón to develop an innovative and effective pedagogical approach that has had a positive impact on the learning of her students. 

Aracelly Núñez-Naranjo , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Humanities and Arts with a specialization in Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Educational Research. Master's degree in Social and Productive Project Management. Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences. Engineer in Electronics and Communications. University professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both nationally and internationally. Currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Human Sciences and Education and a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 


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