Adaptive learning in the inclusion of students with multiple disabilities in physical
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The study addresses the design of adaptive learning strategies for the inclusion of students with multiple disabilities in Physical Education (PE), considering their specific needs and the fundamental theories of inclusion. A quantitative pre-experimental, applicative and field quantitative design was used, with a sample of 27 students of second year of General Unified High School of a school in Chambo canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, including a student with a specific diagnosis of multidisability at 42% (16% of physical disability “Spastic Hemiplegia” and 28% of intellectual disability “Mental Retardation with mild behavioral impairment”). The intervention focused on curricular, methodological and environmental adaptations to improve accessibility and participation in the PE class. A theoretically and statistically validated “Physical Education Inclusion Scale” was applied to evaluate progress by subscales based on inclusion towards cognitive, social, emotional, physical academic area and teacher evaluation by students on their inclusive applications. Quantitative results showed significant improvements in all inclusion subscales after the intervention, with significant differences between study periods at a level of P≤0.05, determined with the application of the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. The conclusions of the study highlight the importance of adapting PE for students with multiple disabilities, facilitating not only their inclusion but also their comprehensive and social development. Adaptive learning proved to be a crucial strategy to address physical and cognitive barriers, promoting an inclusive and diversity-friendly educational environment.
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