Legal and social analysis of uncontested divorce: implications and challenges in the contemporary context

Main Article Content

Juan Carlos Flores-Calle
Roberto Steven Fiallos-Paredes
Holger Geovanni Garcia-Segarra


The present scientific article analyzed how the unconstitutional divorce takes place in different countries of the world, applying comparative law with our legislation and how it is applied. On the other hand, the divorce in the Ecuadorian constitutional context of rights, has been raised by causes to give way to it. The history of the dissolution of the marriage bond in Ecuador has been analyzed to later compare it with the present and how the subject of the grounds for divorce has evolved within the country.  

In order to have a wide perception of this aspect, the historical-logical methods were used, due to the wide and extensive antecedent that exists of the divorce in Ecuador and its evolution; as well as its evolution in different countries that have served as a great help to understand the modality of the uncaused divorce. The deductive method was also applied where the general knowledge of this legal figure was analyzed and how this in turn has had a great impact on jurists and doctrinarians.  

As research techniques we used bibliographic and documentary review of different Ecuadorian and foreign authors who talk about the unconstitutional divorce and divorce in Ecuador, as results of this research it was obtained that the implementation of the unconstitutional divorce would be an optimal process within the country, the adaptation to the legal framework of this legal figure would result in a great advance in our justice system and it would be a great step forward in our system of justice and it would be a great step forward in the implementation of the unconstitutional divorce in Ecuador. 


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How to Cite
Flores-Calle , J. ., Fiallos-Paredes , R. ., & Garcia-Segarra , H. . (2025). Legal and social analysis of uncontested divorce: implications and challenges in the contemporary context . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 281-293.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Flores-Calle , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Juan Carlos Flores Calle has been a lawyer from the Catholic University of Cuenca since 2008, practicing the profession since the same year, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in procedural law from the BOLIVARIANA UNIVERSITY OF ECUADOR. 

Roberto Steven Fiallos-Paredes , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Roberto Steven Fiallos Paredes is an Ecuadorian lawyer, graduated from the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes in 2021. Since his graduation, he has practiced law freely and autonomously between 2021 and 2023. Currently, I work in the GADM Fire Department of the Riobamba canton, performing his duties in a public entity, which reflects a diversification of his professional career in the legal and public services field. 

Holger Geovanni Garcia-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

HOLGER GEOVANNI GARCIA SEGARRA is a professor at the BOLIVARIAN UNIVERSITY OF ECUADOR, who was a tutor for this scientific article. With his experience and teaching skills, a well-structured article was developed. 


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