Construction of consumer profiles with database and programmatic advertising

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Micaela Alejandra Sánchez-Guerrón
Karla Domenica Lascano-Moscoso
Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


Currently, the advertising activity is subject to the challenge of designing a consumer profile with concise and well-defined variables, with a constant process of change and technological innovation. An immediate response to this challenge is the programmatic advertising and databases. The objective of this research is to build consumer profiles to maximize the benefits of these tools. The methodology is governed by the following guidelines: population made up of tungurahuenses inhabitants, divided into two groups, one consisting of tungurahuenses between 18 and 25 years old and the second for tungurahuenses between 26 and 32 years old; design of a survey as a measuring instrument; exploratory study; quantitative approach; and use of the chi square statistician to verify the research hypothesis. The results show 12 variables of a consumer profile for programmatic advertising and 8 variables for a consumer profile for databases. It is concluded that programmatic advertising has more scope for online advertising diffusion than databases.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, M., Lascano, K., & Ballesteros, L. (2020). Construction of consumer profiles with database and programmatic advertising. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5), 183-194.
Author Biographies

Micaela Alejandra Sánchez-Guerrón, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Practice pre-professionals

Oscus Credit and Savings Cooperative (Investigate and analyze the activities that are carried out for the proper functioning of the company in the market.)

Participation in customer service and attention courses Ambato Chamber of Commerce

Business event tenth edition of the management model of the

quality of services based on the Walt Disney model of the

companies in the central area of ​​the country

Participation in the community training event "Learn and undertake in your


The Autonomous Decentralized Government Municipality of Ambato

in agreement with the Indoamerica Technological University

Karla Domenica Lascano-Moscoso, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Practice pre-professionals

Oscus Credit and Savings Cooperative (Investigate and analyze the activities that are carried out for the proper functioning of the company in the market.)

Participation in customer service and attention courses Ambato Chamber of Commerce

Business event tenth edition of the management model of the

quality of services based on the Walt Disney model of the

companies in the central area of ​​the country

Participation in the community training event "Learn and undertake in your


The Autonomous Decentralized Government Municipality of Ambato

in agreement with the Indoamerica Technological University

Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Strategic Business Management M.B.A. from the Technical University of Ambato, Commercial Engineer and Bachelor of Administrative Sciences Administrator in Marketing from the Technical University of Ambato. Consultant and Business Advisor, General Manager of the Company Comprehensive Training in Organizational Resources (CIRORESOURCES); He has been teaching since 2001, at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences; The lines of research that he addresses in his work are: Marketing, Advertising and Promotion; Political Marketing, Skills and Management Competencies.



This article is part of the previous results of the institutional research project: “INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR OF THE PROVINCE OF TUNGURAHUA, presented at the Directorate of Research and Development DIDE, of the Technical University of Ambato and approved according to resolution of the University Council: 2386-CU-P-2017, of November 15, 2017; project coordinated by Ing. MBA. Leonardo Ballesteros López


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