Archiving of the Counterclaim as a Consequence of the Abandonment of the Main Cause

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Jorge Andrés Mestanza-Ponce
Holger Geovannny García-Segarra


The general objective of this study was to determine the legal consequences of the filing of a counterclaim, as a result of the abandonment of the main case. A qualitative methodology with a phenomenological and interpretive approach was used, conducting interviews with legal professionals. The inclusion criteria considered lawyers with experience in counterclaim proceedings, while the exclusion criteria were applied to those without relevant experience. The results revealed that, although the counterclaim is an independent action, its filing together with the main case may violate due process and the rights of the litigants. Most of the interviewees agreed that the counterclaim should continue, even if the main claim is abandoned, and pointed out that Ecuadorian legislation does not explicitly address this situation, generating ambiguities and possible misinterpretations. The general conclusion is that current Ecuadorian regulations lack clarity on the handling of the counterclaim in case of abandonment of the main case, which can lead to inconsistent judicial decisions and the violation of the rights of the counterclaimant. Legislative reform is recommended to ensure the procedural independence of counterclaims, thereby effectively protecting the rights of litigants and promoting a more fair and coherent judicial system. 


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How to Cite
Mestanza-Ponce , J. ., & García-Segarra , H. . (2024). Archiving of the Counterclaim as a Consequence of the Abandonment of the Main Cause . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 893-906.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Jorge Andrés Mestanza-Ponce , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. 


Intellectual Property Specialist. 


Regional Deputy Director of the Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (e). 


Legal advisor to Private Institutions. 


Public Defender. 


University Professor. 


Judge of the Civil Judicial Unit based in Guayaquil. 

Holger Geovannny García-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador 

Master in Procedural Law. 

Legal advisor to Public Institutions 

Sponsor of cases in non-criminal matters. 

University Professor. 

Academic Coordinator of the Master of Procedural Law at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador 


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