Ruling no. 200-12-jh/21 of the constitutional court and its impact on the recovery of minors for improper retention.

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Juan Carlos Remache-Suarez
Lissette Amelia Alvarado-Ajila
Holger Geovanny García-Segarra


The research focuses on the impact of Ruling No. 200-12-JH/21 of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador on the rights of the custodial parent in cases of recovery of wrongfully retained children, based on the growing concern about the violation of rights in these judicial processes, specifically in the parish of Tumbaco, Quito canton. The main objective is to analyze how the sentence affects the rights of the custodian in these cases, identifying the rights of the custodian according to the sentence, evaluate its application in practice, and propose recommendations to improve the protection of these rights. A mixed approach is used, with techniques that include literature review, direct observation in the Family Judicial Unit of Tumbaco, review of court cases and triangulation of methods to validate the results. Historical, exegetical, inductive, and logical methods are used for a comprehensive analysis. The research reveals that the inadequate use of the sentence generates uncertainty and risks of arbitrary decisions, negatively affecting the protection of the rights of the custodial parent and the best interests of the child. It is necessary to improve its application through specific recommendations that strengthen the defense and protection of the rights of the custodial parent and the minor in judicial processes. 


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How to Cite
Remache-Suarez , J. ., Alvarado-Ajila , L. ., & García-Segarra , H. . (2024). Ruling no. 200-12-jh/21 of the constitutional court and its impact on the recovery of minors for improper retention . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 214-231.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Remache-Suarez , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador 

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador from the Central University of Ecuador, master of the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, currently judicial assistant in the Judicial Unit of Family, Women, Children and Adolescence of the parish of Tumbaco in the city of Quito. 

Lissette Amelia Alvarado-Ajila , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador – 

University of Guayaquil – Master in Human Rights and Justice 

Constitutional – University of Guayaquil – Researcher teacher – University 

Bolivarian of Ecuador 

Holger Geovanny García-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador – 

University of Guayaquil - Master in Procedural Law – Ecotec University 

- Postgraduate Coordinator of the Master of Procedural Law – University 

Bolivarian of Ecuador. 


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