The Effectiveness of Educational Materials in Personalizing Learning

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Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco
Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco
Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina
Karina Alexandra Orna-Quintanilla


This article, titled "Effectiveness of Educational Materials for the Personalization of Learning" are teaching resources designed to adapt to the individual needs, interests and abilities of students. This study aims to identify the contribution that different types of materials provide. educational contributions to the personalization of learning. The methodology used is the bibliographic and documentary review, which analyzes the strategies proposed by researchers focused on the access and availability of technology, the training of educators, the impact on social skills, time management and motivation, and the collection and processing of information. . The results of the study indicate that personalized educational materials can significantly improve understanding and retention of knowledge, as well as increase student motivation and engagement. This article provides a theoretical and practical framework that demonstrates that personalizing learning through appropriate educational materials not only improves academic performance, but also fosters greater involvement and satisfaction among students, promoting deeper and more lasting learning. The conclusions highlight the importance of the teacher's role in the selection and adaptation of these materials to maximize their effectiveness. Challenges and limitations, such as the need for teacher training and access to appropriate technology, are also addressed. Strategies to overcome these obstacles are identified and recommendations are proposed for future studies and educational practices.


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How to Cite
Navas-Franco , L., Ortiz-Carrasco , W., Cabrera-Urbina , E. ., & Orna-Quintanilla , K. . (2024). The Effectiveness of Educational Materials in Personalizing Learning . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 805-817.
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Author Biographies

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador  

Basic Education Teacher, more than 18 years of teaching activities in Basic Education and Baccalaureate Educational Institutions. Higher Education Teacher in the area of Basic Education in Training Projects related to the training of teachers in Education, as well as management activities in Liaison, Graduate Monitoring, Career Evaluation, Pre-professional Practices and Titling. Positions held such as Rector of the Swiss Educational Unit, ASRE Leader of District 18D01 Ambato and Coordinator of the Basic Education Course of the Indo-America Technological University. Thesis qualifying panel, undergraduate and graduate research projects of the Technical University of Ambato and the Indo-America Technological University. Currently, professor at the National University of Chimborazo, in the Pedagogy of Language and Literature Degree. 

Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco , Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher in Basic Education 19 years of experience, creator of the San Fernando de Pasa kindergarten, teacher at Escuela Pluri Docente y Completa de San Fernando de Pasa, teacher tutor at the González Suárez EDUCATIONAL UNIT, teacher tutor at the Juan león Mera Educational Unit La Salle in which I hold the position of first member of the undergraduate coordinating management team. Currently a teacher by appointment in the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and I perform the role of tutor at the Fe y Alegría Ambato Educational Unit.

Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina , Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Teacher of the Language and Literature Pedagogy Course; Faculty of Sciences of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences; Central University of Ecuador. Experience in supervision of pre-professional practices, direction of undergraduate and postgraduate thesis and Head of Degree Degree. Graduate in Educational Sciences, mention in Language Sciences and Literature. Master’s degree in advanced studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature. Studies on "Kichwa words as derogatory in the Ecuadorian work Los Guandos: an approach to the novel created by Joaquín Gallegos Lara and Nela Martínez." Article on "The lexicon of the Ecuadorian mountains in the work Los Guandos." Publication of articles "Review of scriptural criteria in higher education" and "The application of Universal Design for Learning (UDA) in Ecuadorian education"

Karina Alexandra Orna-Quintanilla , Instituto Superior Tecnológico España - Ecuador

I have a solid academic background and passion for education, with a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, a Master's degree in Neuropsychology and Education, my professional career has been consolidated through experiences in various educational institutions as a proactive, empathetic and responsible teacher. I have taught classes in early education at ESPE and is currently a member of the academic team of the Comprehensive Child Development program. It is committed to educational excellence, research, innovation and continuous improvement. He has complemented his training with courses in technology, management and pedagogical techniques.


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