Motivation Test in Ecuador

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Carlos Alberto Cedeño-Cevallos
Holger Geovannny García-Segarra


The right to the guarantee of reasoning is important because it is not only about explaining but also about justifying why the judicial authority has reached that decision by providing sufficient reasons for it. When a judge does not justify a decision, it violates the right to effective judicial protection, due process, and legal certainty. The objective of the research is to analyze the guiding criterion for evaluating a claim of violation of the right to the guarantee of reasoning, based on Judgment 1158-17-EP/21. The methodology applied in the study is qualitative, using documentary research based on the analysis of data obtained from jurisprudential sources of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, regulations, and doctrine on constitutional procedural law. The results of the analysis determine that the guiding criterion established by the Court includes sufficient normative and factual reasoning that outlines the facts of the case, the quality of the proven facts, and that they are properly argued. It is concluded that if the guiding criterion is not met, there is a motivational deficit, and there will automatically be a violation of the guarantee of reasoning. Therefore, motivational deficiencies are analyzed, which include non-existence, insufficiency, and appearance. In legal reasoning, some types of motivational flaws may occur, such as incoherence, irrelevance, incongruence, and incomprehensibility.


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Cevallos, C. ., & García-Segarra, H. . (2024). Motivation Test in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 390-402.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Cedeño-Cevallos, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

I am a PhD. in Legal Sciences and master in Constitutional Law, master in Criminal Law, master in Criminal Psychology. Specialist in human rights, specialist in insurance and reinsurance and post PHD in legal sciences and human rights

Holger Geovannny García-Segarra, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Title of Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of Ecuador obtained in 2010In the exercise of the profession and held different positions in the public sector: Legal advisor; Labor inspector; Public defender. I am currently involved in the academy.


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