Behavioral adaptation analysis of students in the transition process from 7th to 8th year of General Basic Education
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The present research deals with the analysis of behavioral adaptation of students in the transition process from 7th to 8th year of General Basic Education at the Basic Education School "Sergio Quirola" belonging to the Ambato canton in the province of Tungurahua. Behavioral adaptation comprises the ability to adjust our behavior to different situations, including social interaction, emotional management, academic performance and adaptation to different contexts. During the transition from elementary school to high school, students face significant challenges in their academic, social, personal and family process. One of the factors of change highlighted during this stage is physiological and hormonal development, which can influence their adaptation. A cross-sectional, non-experimental research methodology was used in this study. The Behavioral Adaptation Inventory (BAI) was used to evaluate the general adaptation level of students when moving from 7th to 8th grade, applying this inventory to the same students in both years. The results showed a significant change in the students when changing environment in their transition process, thus giving an important point to improve in the identification of these changes and difficulties that these students present and thus promote activities that encourage the development of social and emotional skills, as well as establish an open and effective communication with families, which can actively support the process of adaptation of their children. These collaborative and proactive actions can contribute significantly to improving the well-being and performance of students during this stage of educational transition.
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