Analysis of study habits: “Teresa Flor” Educational Unit Case

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Sara Joceline Zambrano-Jordán
María José Achachi-Criollo
Jorge Washington Jordán-Sánchez
Katty Patricia Sánchez-Manobanda


The present research deals with the analysis of study habits in students of the "Teresa Flor" Educational Unit, with the objective of analyzing the study habits of 11- and 12-year-old students. The Brown and Holtzman Study Habits and Techniques Questionnaire was used to evaluate five dimensions related to study habits: study place, study planning, attention in class, study techniques and general attitude. The research was cross-sectional and non-experimental, with a sample of 22 students during the first quarter of 2024. The results showed that a significant proportion of students needed support in their study habits. In the dimension of study place, 27.27% of students required additional support, indicating difficulties in finding adequate and quiet environments to study. Regarding study planning, 72.72% of the students needed support, suggesting difficulties in time management and organization of their academic activities. 

In relation to attention in class and motivation towards study, 31.81% of the students needed support, reflecting a lack of motivation and commitment in academic activities, while 40.90% indicated needing support in study techniques, showing difficulties in applying effective methods of learning and retaining information. Overall, 81.81% of the students were categorized as needing support in their study habits, 13.63% could improve and only 4.54% showed adequate performance in this area. These findings suggest the need for specific educational interventions to improve time organization, study techniques and motivation among the students evaluated, to optimize their academic performance and personal development. 

This study underscores the importance of identifying and improving study habits from an early age, since these habits not only influence individual academic performance, but also impact socioemotional development and preparation for future educational and professional challenges. 


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Jordán, S. ., Achachi-Criollo , M. ., Jordán-Sánchez , J. ., & Sánchez-Manobanda , K. . (2024). Analysis of study habits: “Teresa Flor” Educational Unit Case . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 69-80.
Author Biographies

Sara Joceline Zambrano-Jordán , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Sara Zambrano. I am a Bachelor's degree student at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, majoring in Psychopedagogy. I am passionate about human development and continuous learning, with an academic background to effectively evaluate and diagnose learning difficulties and implement intervention strategies. 

María José Achachi-Criollo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is María José Achachi Criollo, and I hold a degree in psychopedagogy. With a solid background in psychology and pedagogy, I am dedicated to improving teaching and learning processes in various educational contexts. My specialization allows me to work closely with students and teachers, providing support and guidance to identify and address learning difficulties. 

Jorge Washington Jordán-Sánchez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Jorge Washington Jordán Sánchez, I am 53 years old, my training in education and sports training and my dedication to working with students on their research projects allow me to improve educational research processes, providing general support in them, I have several publications related to physical activity and sports. 

Katty Patricia Sánchez-Manobanda , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Katty Sánchez, I was born and live in the city of Ambato, province of Tungurahua, I have a degree in Political and Social Sciences, a Lawyer in the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, a Doctor in Jurisprudence and I am finishing a master's degree in Constitutional Law. I am currently working at the Technical University of Ambato as a Teaching Technician. 


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