Inclusive teaching program of the shot put to students with intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class

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Alan Jesus Lino-Tigrero
Manuel Fabricio Martillo-Navarrete
Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila
Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Study developed with the objective of designing an inclusive teaching program of the shot put for students with intellectual disabilities in Physical Education classes, using a mixed approach that combined quantitative and qualitative methods for its validation. The sample included 14 first-year Unified General Baccalaureate students aged 16-17 years, 2 of whom presented a diagnosis of intellectual disability (mild and moderate) and 12 were considered conventional The program, with a duration of eight weeks and two 40-minute sessions per week, was designed to improve the inclusion and participation of all students. Quantitative results showed significant improvements in technical skills such as throwing technique, strength, power and body coordination, statistically proven through the Wilcoxon test presenting significant differences in all parameters evaluated at a level of P≤0.05. Complementarily, the qualitative approach through a case study, highlighted an increase in students' confidence and autonomy, evidencing a better ability to follow instructions and request feedback. In addition, students showed greater willingness to participate in group activities and explore new skills, suggesting improved social integration and emotional development within an inclusive educational environment. This study underscores how well-tailored interventions can significantly foster both technical and socioemotional development in students with intellectual disabilities, as gains reflect the success of adaptations in equipment and teaching methodologies, allowing students to not only participate more effectively but also improve markedly in athletic performance.


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How to Cite
Lino-Tigrero, A. ., Martillo-Navarrete , M. ., Loaiza-Dávila , L. ., & Maqueira-Caraballo , G. . (2024). Inclusive teaching program of the shot put to students with intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 511-526.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Alan Jesus Lino-Tigrero, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in Physical Culture, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with mention in Inclusive Physical Education.

Manuel Fabricio Martillo-Navarrete , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with a specialisation in Inclusive Physical Education.

Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Dr. PhD. D. in Physical Education Sciences, Research Professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, author and co-author of scientific articles and director of research projects in Education and Sport.

Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

PHD. In scientific and didactic innovations in school Physical Education, Coordinator of the Master in Pedagogy of Physical Culture, Mention in Inclusive Physical Education.


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