Didactic strategy of traditional games for the inclusion of hearing impaired students in the Physical Education class

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Edgar Efrain Ramirez-Cuvi
Nexar Neptali Zambrano-Chica
Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila
Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


The objective of this study was to design a methodological strategy that integrates traditional games in Physical Education classes, specifically oriented to the inclusion of students with hearing impairment (DA). A sample of 7 students was selected to form a cooperative group within the Physical Education class, 6 of which were considered conventional without the presence of AD and one (16 years old) had a 55% auditional disability diagnosed as Deafness-Hypoacusis. The study design was based on a mixed approach of pre-experimental research type regarding the quantitative approach and a case study approach to respond to the qualitative approach. The technique applied in the quantitative component of the study was observation and the instrument used was a quantitative observation form to assess the level of inclusion in the Physical Education class through the parameters of participation and effort, physical skills, communication and cooperation, and adaptation and creativity. The intervention proposal was developed during 8 weeks with 16 sessions of 55 minutes and was based on the development of different traditional games, with a motor objective and inclusive and adaptive actions based on the results of the initial diagnosis and the needs of the sample studied. As results, significant improvements were observed in several aspects of behavior, active participation and personal effort and physical and social skills of the students, both with and without AD.


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How to Cite
Ramirez-Cuvi , E. ., Zambrano-Chica, N. ., Loaiza-Dávila , L. ., & Maqueira-Caraballo , G. (2024). Didactic strategy of traditional games for the inclusion of hearing impaired students in the Physical Education class. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 279-295. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.5.2588
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Edgar Efrain Ramirez-Cuvi , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Degree in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with a specialisation in Inclusive Physical Education.

Nexar Neptali Zambrano-Chica, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Degree in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with a specialisation in Inclusive Physical Education.

Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Dr. PhD. D. in Physical Education Sciences, Research Professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, author and co-author of scientific articles and director of research projects in Education and Sport.

Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


PHD. In scientific and didactic innovations in school Physical Education, Coordinator of the Master in Pedagogy of Physical Culture, Mention in Inclusive Physical Education.


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