Relationship, Information and Communication Technologies (TRIC) in teaching practice Social impact
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This study examined the social impact of Technologies for Relationship, Information and Communication (TRIC) on teachers' teaching practice. Using a sociocritical and quanti-qualitative approach, 50 teachers were surveyed. The results revealed a broad consensus on the importance of strategically integrating TRIC into teaching-learning processes, from pedagogical, technological, social and ethical perspectives. An overwhelming majority considered it essential to use these educational tools to improve interaction among participants, foster meaningful learning and develop 21st century skills. Additionally, the need to incorporate TRIC following ethical principles that maximize benefits and minimize risks was highlighted. These perceptions support existing theoretical frameworks on the role of technologies in inclusive and quality educational environments. The findings provide conclusive empirical evidence on the potential of TRIC as facilitators of learning, supporting the research hypothesis about their positive impact in classrooms. The study underscores the importance of strategically integrating these tools into teaching practice, taking into account pedagogical, technical, social and ethical aspects for relevant education. The need for further research on good practices of integration and teacher training in this area is identified.
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