Development of collaborative learning for students with special educational needs: The case of the Canva tool
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Collaboration in education is an optimal methodology to offer a more inclusive and enriching education, as it is based on teamwork, it promotes social skills, confidence and self-esteem. The research is aimed at the analysis of collaborative learning for students with special educational needs, especially analyzing the Canva tool. For this purpose, a methodology governed by the socio-critical framework was used, it consisted of field research, of a descriptive nature and a quali-quantitative approach. The technique used was the survey under three dimensions of study, in addition the chi square test and Cronbach's statistics were used. The population corresponds to 110 teachers from the Latacunga canton. The main results highlight the perceived importance of collaborative learning and a general and positive acceptance of its use of Canva in the educational context. The chi square test and the Cronbach statistic support the validity and reliability of the items to measure the dimensions evaluated in the study. In conclusion, the findings highlight the need to provide greater technological resources and support for teachers in the effective implementation of adaptive collaborative strategies, which could further improve the quality of the inclusive educational process for these students.
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