Differences in Burnout Among Workers in Commercial, Educational, Financial, and Health Care Companies

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Erika Yaribel Velásquez-Vasquez
Jhon Vinicio Guamán-Castillo
Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Burnout is one of the most prevalent work-related psychopathologies today and has been associated with different factors, including age and gender. Companies in the province of El Oro do not usually conduct diagnoses on burnout; therefore, human talent management and productivity are at risk. Hence, the objective of this research was to diagnose levels of burnout and identify differences by age, gender, and sector. The methodology used is descriptive, cross-sectional, and quantitative. The survey technique was used for primary information gathering, and a literature review was conducted to construct the theoretical framework. A sample of 384 workers from the commercial, educational, financial, and health sectors was taken. The MBI-General Survey instrument was applied to them, and high reliability levels were obtained in the three dimensions: Exhaustion (α=0.952), Cynicism (α=0.960), and Professional Efficacy (α=0.974). Through MANOVA analysis, it was observed that the differences in burnout regarding perceived professional efficacy among workers from the four sectors are significant, with those from the commercial, educational, and health sectors being the most vulnerable. Regarding age and gender, the former variable is not related to burnout, but the latter is when it interacts together with the sector where a person works.


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How to Cite
Velásquez-Vasquez , E. ., Guamán-Castillo , J., & Mora-Sánchez , N. . (2024). Differences in Burnout Among Workers in Commercial, Educational, Financial, and Health Care Companies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 228-237. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2383
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Erika Yaribel Velásquez-Vasquez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Business administration student, currently working in the financial sector at Banco de Machala as a Credit Advisor. Work experience in other financial institutions for five years. 

Jhon Vinicio Guamán-Castillo , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I worked for 8 years in the financial sector at Banco del Pacifico, my last position was Vault Supervisor in which I acquired knowledge in the management of human, technological and monetary resources. Then I decided to work in the commercial sector, joining as Deputy Head of Sales controlling human resources, KPI indicators, forging my knowledge in the commercial area with excellent compliance with the sales budget. I currently work at Banco de Litoral as Operational Manager 

Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


PhD in Business Administration (UNMSM), 

Master of Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Bachelor of Business Administration 

Chief Financial Administrative Officer of the Municipal Health Directorate GAD Machala (2001-2009) 

Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009) 

Former Coordinator of the UTMACH-MIPRO agreement (2014-2016), 

Former University Extension Coordinator (2008-2010), 

Professor at UTMACH since 1998


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