Importance of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure in Ecuador
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Public institutions in Ecuador have the legal power to establish coercive procedures against their debtors in order to recover their overdue portfolio, within these administrative processes, as well as in judicial processes, precautionary measures are ordered that are instruments of coercion suitable for the effective recovery of overdue values. Within the Ecuadorian legal framework there are appropriate regulations for the coercive process to be effective, but in procedural practice there are problems that affect the normal development of the procedure; Through logical analysis with the purpose of addressing the problems that arise in coercive procedural practice in the field of administrative law, based on the theoretical and regulatory framework, the types of precautionary measures that are issued in recovery processes via coercive, the procedural problems in practice that reduce its effectiveness will be evidenced and finally good practice recommendations will be established for effective coercive management that promotes the proper use of precautionary measures in order to increase the recovery rates of debts.
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Base legal
Código Orgánico Administrativo. (2017). Segundo Suplemento Registro Oficial 31, 7-VII-2017.
Constitución de la República del Ecuador. (2008). Registro Oficial No. 449, 20 de Octubre 2008.