Building of educational interface for the development of english language skills in the ISTPEM

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Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios
Enrique Javier Macías-Arias
Nancy Yesenia Molina-Ojeda
Gladys María Galarza-Santana


The construction of an interface as an educational instrument for the development of skills where English language skills are developed at the Paulo Emilio Macias Higher Institute where the learning of this language has been a problem for students because methodologies that are not at a higher education level are used. In this research it is proposed to build a didactic educational interface so that students can develop their skills and abilities in the English language and thus be able to achieve their certification of English proficiency, which is why it is a requirement to be able to graduate as technologists. Considering that this proposal tries to deepen learning and allow them to achieve their knowledge in the English language. The results of this research are the positive percentage that has acquired through the educational interface a high knowledge with the different didactic activities, where the student reached a level of proficiency of English A2.


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How to Cite
Solórzano-Palacios, L. ., Macías-Arias, E. ., Molina-Ojeda, N. ., & Galarza-Santana, G. . (2023). Building of educational interface for the development of english language skills in the ISTPEM. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1-1), 279-290.
Author Biographies

Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador 0000-0001-5705-2117

Degree in Philology, Magister in Pedagogical Education. Teacher of 7 years in higher education and a 1-year teacher of secondary education. 

I have published 6 scientific articles, 1 scientific report and academic dossier. I have made a presentation. 

Enrique Javier Macías-Arias, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Computer Systems Engineer and Master in Software Engineering and Computer Systems, I have been teaching for 13 years and 15 years in the professional area, I have 12 published articles, 3 papers, second place winner of the HACKATON MANTA technological innovation contest, I have published a scientific report and book chapter.

Nancy Yesenia Molina-Ojeda, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Degree in Early Childhood Education, Magister in Initial Education. Teacher of 9 years in higher education and a 5-year teacher of secondary education. 2 scientific articles have been published, 1 scientific report and scopus. A presentation has been made

Gladys María Galarza-Santana, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías - Ecuador

Degree in Languages and Linguistics, Master in Educational Management, Teacher for 14 years in basic and secondary education, 6 years in Higher Education. A presentation has been made.


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