The limited humanistic formation in today's Ecuadorian society

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Yeimer Prieto-López
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


Humanistic training and Ecuadorian society are two variables that complement each other. Where, the present study verified and examined those components that analyze their relationship with respect to their employment, practice and custom in a specific context: Ecuadorian population. The research was of a qualitative and quantitative nature, descriptive and referential approach, led to analyze, understand and support the variables of the arguments that constitute the premises through the investigation and review of the scientific article, in order to provide reasoning directed to the research topic. The analytical scientific method was addressed to delve into the referenced information based on humanistic training and its limitation in practice in Ecuadorian society. It was concluded that the limited humanistic training negatively impacted the country because an exacerbated symbolic violence was evidenced in the Ecuadorian territory.


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How to Cite
Prieto-López, Y., & Revelo-Oña, R. (2024). The limited humanistic formation in today’s Ecuadorian society. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 880-889.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López, Liceo Los Delfines / ECOTEC / UEES - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Professor at the Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES), Faculty of Humanities teaching the Subject of Research Methodology. Professor of the Master's Degree in Educational Management and Education at UEES, where he works as a professor of the Research Methodology Subject, as well as a professor of the Degree Module. Teacher and Academic Coordinator at the Bilingual Educational Unit Liceo Los Delfines del Villas el Rey. Faculty of Communication, Humanities and Creativity and ECOTEC University-Professor of the subject Research Methodology. Professor at the UTEG-Master's Degree in Education with a Mention in Pedagogy. He has participated in more than one hundred national and international events and congresses as a speaker, jury and exhibitor. He has more than sixty publications in various indexed journals, such as WOS-Web of Science, Latindex, Dialnet, Scopus, Miar and Redalyc. 

Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Dr. in Humanities and Arts, mention in Education from the National University of Rosario, Master in Finance and Finance Engineer from the International University of Ecuador, Bachelor in Banking and Finance from the Central University of Ecuador, General Editor of the journal 593 Digital Publisher, member of the editorial board of the journal of Education Saberes Andantes de Fe y Alegría, President of the Research Network in Social Sciences and Humanities with the support of the Central University of Ecuador, Consultant and advisor to the Ministry of Education on issues of virtuality and the development of Financial Education, Consultant in Finance and business issues. Research Professor recognized by SENESCYT at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, work experience in the private and public fields. 


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