The perception of digital marketing as a tool for the enterprises of the city of Machala for the year 2022.

Main Article Content

Ana Melissa Moncada-Solórzano
Nayeli del Cisne Cely-Rojas
Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas


The main objective of this article is to analyze the perception of digital marketing as a tool for entrepreneurship in the city of Machala. This research opts for a quantitative methodology, in which a survey is applied, with a sample of 385 people within the age range of 18 to 48 years with a total population of 119,556 according to projections made by the INEC, for the year 2022 The results obtained with the application of the questionnaire was that the perception of enterprises and people is that they trust digital tools to be able to promote or publicize their enterprises through social networks or online platforms, since the vast majority They look for information or businesses on the Internet to be able to buy and acquire a product or service.


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How to Cite
Moncada-Solórzano , A. ., Cely-Rojas, N. ., & Avila-Rivas, V. . (2022). The perception of digital marketing as a tool for the enterprises of the city of Machala for the year 2022. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-1), 24-34.
Author Biographies

Ana Melissa Moncada-Solórzano , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am a student of the UTMACH of the Marketing career, I started doing my scientific article in the 7th semester, the guides given by the tutors have been of great help for a good teaching and for the completion of the article. In professional activity I have developed with advertising and promotions for certain enterprises. 

Nayeli del Cisne Cely-Rojas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am a student of the Marketing Career. I started my scientific article with my partner when I was in the 7th semester. We have been guided by our tutors who have been of great help for a better understanding of our topic. In the professional activity I have developed with customer service tasks for certain enterprises. 

Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Doctor in Administrative Sciences from the UMMSM 


Coordinator of the Marketing career at UTMACH since 2019 


Titular Research Professor of the UTMACH since 2014 


President of the Travel Agency AVILA TOURS CIA. LTDA. 


Experience in the area of ​​Marketing, Sales and customer service for 12 years. 


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