El Experiential marketing and Customer Experience Management in the homeopathic pharmaceutical sector: Application proposal

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Miriam Ximena Ortiz-Robalino
Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez
Liana Sánchez-Cabrera


The adoption of experiences in marketing is a trend that has noticeably grown in recent years through Consumer Experience Management (CEM), although not for the homeopathic medicine sector. This article analyzes the different existing literature on marketing innovation and its transition to experiential marketing. In context with the sector under study, there is evidence of the benefits and virtues of homeopathic medicine, including successful treatments of cases discarded by traditional medicine; however, the limitation for its development in the province of El Oro is that this sector lacks a proposal to develop effective marketing based on the management of experiences, therefore, the findings in this research have allowed us to identify the tools of the CEM and the main approaches that should be taken to adopt in homeopathic pharmaceuticals, detailed in a process which consists of two phases. 


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How to Cite
Ortiz-Robalino , M. X., Mora-Sánchez, N. V. ., & Sánchez-Cabrera, L. (2022). El Experiential marketing and Customer Experience Management in the homeopathic pharmaceutical sector: Application proposal . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 195-205. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-1.1179
Author Biographies

Miriam Ximena Ortiz-Robalino , Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



I finished my studies at the School on November 12 in the city of Machala and attended High School at the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Higher Technological Institute with the Title Services Organization and Management of the Secretariat and currently pursuing the Obtaining the Degree of Commercial Engineering at the Technical University from Machala. 

Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



PhD in Business Management (UNMSM), Master in Business Management (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer in Business Management (UTMACH), Bachelor of Business Management, Financial Administrative Chief of Municipal Health Management GAD Machala (2001-2009) , Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009). 

Liana Sánchez-Cabrera, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



Master in Business Administration (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH), Bachelor of Business Administration, pursuing a Doctorate in Economic Sciences Mention in Management, Professor at the Technical University of Machala, Coordinator of the Business Administration Career, Higher Diploma in University Teaching. 


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