Post-pandemic purchase behavior of the low high tourist destination visitor

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Diana Cecilia Gualán-Vega
Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas
Daniela Samanta Ramos-Torres


Visitors to tourist destinations constantly underg changes, due to the diferente environmental factors that influence purchasing behavior, for this reason the objective of this study is to determine the Post-Pandemic Buying Behavior of the visitor to the Low High tourist destination. - Province of El Oro. Since the research has a quantitative approach and non-probabilistic convenience sampling, in addition to the análisis and interpretation of secondary sources. The survey was conducted online, which was made up of visitors to the tourist destination, with an age range of 15 to 50 years belonging to the male and female gender. As a result, the economic factor and the psychological factor were determined as the main factors of influence because they are useful and satisfactory in the decision of the post-pandemic purchase behavior of the visitor to the Bajo Alto tourist destination.


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How to Cite
Gualán-Vega, D. ., Ávila-Rivas, V., & Ramos-Torres, D. . (2022). Post-pandemic purchase behavior of the low high tourist destination visitor. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 380-399.
Author Biographies

Diana Cecilia Gualán-Vega, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Graduated in Marketing, I did my pre-professional practices in the Communication Department of the Technical University of Machala, demonstrating my skills in designing advertising strategies, taking pictures, recording audiovisual products, database systematization, live broadcasts, I also participated as a speaker in the 4th Academic Conference on Linking, Research and University Welfare 2021 with the theme: Endomarketing applied to Telecomunicaciones distributors in the city of Machala.

Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Doctor in Administrative Sciences from the UMMSM 


Coordinator of the Marketing career at UTMACH since 2019 


Titular Research Professor of the UTMACH since 2014 


President of the Travel Agency AVILA TOURS CIA. LTDA. 


Experience in the area of ​​Marketing, Sales and customer service for 12 years.

Daniela Samanta Ramos-Torres, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


With a degree in Marketing, throughout these 5 years I did my pre-professional internships at the College of Architects of El Oro and at the Machala Land Terminal, demonstrating my skills in designing advertising strategies, research and management of social networks. That is why I am very happy with what I have learned in order to put them into practice in the future.



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