593 Digital Publisher CEIT, is a multidisciplinary scientific research journal. Since in 2016 and the periodicity is bimonthly.

Vol. 10 No. 1-2 (2025): Special Edition

Published: 2025-01-30

Analysis of virtual assistants for language skills development

Mayra Isabel Barrera-Gutiérrez , Elsa Mayorie Chimbo-Cáceres , Jimena Paola Mantilla-Garcia , María Verónica Rodríguez-Cedeño


The use of e-learning platforms: advantages and challenges for teachers

Maria Jose Mayorga-Ases , Sofía Carolina Martínez-Pérez , José Luis Cosquillo-Chida , Rina Sofía Altamirano-Carrasco


The Use of Virtual Learning Platforms in Post-Pandemic Basic Education

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Santaigo Ismael Amaguaya-Torres , Kleber David Tipanluisa-Montes , Christopher Patricio Montes-Simba , Jamington Anibal Cacoango-Paillacho


Teaching mathematics for engineering in higher education

Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Leticia Abigail Mayorga-Ases , Liliana Lizbeth López-López , Humberto Ramiro Morales-Zuñiga


Contribution of mathematics as a subject for university careers

Leticia Abigail Mayorga-Ases , Carlos Alfredo Hernández-Dávila , Liliana Lizbeth López-López , Maria Jose Mayorga-Ases


Use of technological tools for academic text analysis

Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López , Elsa de los Angeles Hernández-Chérrez , Miryan Consuelo Salazar-Tobar


Psychopedagogy and inclusive education: challenges and opportunities in the integration of students with disabilities

María Belén Morales-Jaramillo , Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz, Juan Pablo Andrade-Varela , Jenny Margoth Real-Ocaña


Present and future of intercultural education as a contribution to the universities of Ecuador

María Belén Morales-Jaramillo , Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz , Juan Pablo Andrade-Varela , Jenny Margoth Real-Ocaña


The influence of educational video games on children's cognitive development

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Sofia Jhenifer Sosa-Quiñonez , Evelyn Andrea Jaramillo-Guzmán , Diana Aracelly Romero-Moya , Doménica Estefanía Nicolalde-Páez


The importance of cybersecurity education for children

Dayana Herrera-Shigua , Teresa Mendoza-Solorzano , Leidy León-Navarrete , Maria Zambrano-Antón , Aracelly Núñez-Naranjo


The use of educational podcasts to complement learning in the classroom

Dayana Michelle Viscarra-Muñoz , Yessenia Alejandra Ninacuri-Moya , Andrea Estefanía Ortiz-Barrionuevo , Diego Iván Escobar-Bermúdes


Environmental Education Supported by Interactive Technological Resources

Denisse Mariluz Angulo-Mina , Dilma Lorena Sangacha-Guamán , Lucy Darlene Guano-Coca , Gladys Bertila Huatatoca-Mamallacta , Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


The use of gamification as a motivational strategy in virtual environments

Katya Ivanova Moreta-López , Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez , Isacc Israel Araujo-Guerrero , Lilia del Pilar Purcachi-Aguaguiña , Aracelly Fernanda Nuñez-Naranjo


Gamification in the Classroom: Technological Tools to Enhance Motivation and Learning

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Karla Nicole Pérez-Andrango , Lorena Gabriela Díaz-Verdezoto , Wilson Vicente Vargas-Caiza


Inclusive Education: Technological Resources for students with specific needs

Fernando Patricio Neira-Pesántez , Josselyn Yessenia Hulgo-Pullay , Soraida Karina Molina-Cabrera , Nayeli Alexandra Sánchez-Tituaña , Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


Inquiry-Based Biology Teaching: Fostering Critical Thinking and Autonomy

Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez , Anabel Katherine Pazmiño-Navarrete , Diego Escobar-Bermudes , Lilian Camaño-Carballo


The influence of Educational Video Games on children's Cognitive Development

Norelis Ortiz-Velásquez , Yalitza Smelinger Valencia-Cabrera , Gabriela Maybri Campoverde-Martínez , Rocío Aracely Flores-Cumbicus , Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


The use of Interactive Boards in the Teaching of Mathematics

Daniela Estefania Perugachi-Imba , Alex Javier Tubón-Chicaiza , Indalisa Maria Carriel-Liberio , Karen Gisella Albares-Argudi , Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


Development of Digital Skills in Primary School Students

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Gabriela Carolina Cóndor-Cóndor , Jessica Viviana Vivanco-Vargas , Cinthya Yamile Garcia-Chamba , Denisse Edith Marin-Loyaga


The Role of Stories in the Development of Values in Childhood

Angelica Elizabeth Martinez-Arias , Carmen Patricia Gualotuña-Simbaña , Karen Dayana Guerrero-Alavarez , Andrea Estefania Pazmiño-Jaramillo , Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


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