Learning communities and new technologies

Corina Elizabeth Núñez-Hernández, Jenny Maribel Larco-Pullas, Karina Salomé Ayala-Jaramillo


Assessment of organizational communication: a case study using the constitutional method

Héctor Leonardo Duarte-Suarez; Marlene Amada Merizalde-Sellan; Javier Lecaro-Plaza


Verbal courtesy strategies in ads for couples published in an Ecuadorian weekly

Elking Raymond Araujo-Bilmonte, Yamislaydis Fernanda Naranjo-Tipán, Deifilia Margarita Garcés-Bucheli


Incidence of TIC in the collaborative learning of the subject of programming in students of the first semesters of the Science Pedagogy Career

Isabel Narváez-Cumbal, Javier Guaña-Moya, Nelson Esteban Salgado-Reyes, Yamileth Andrea Arteaga-Alcívar
