Implementation of a Management model for artisan textile companies: Case Almacenes Coronado

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Franklin Guillermo Zambrano-Coronado
Junior Omar Berzosa-Saritama
Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black
Norman Mora


This scientific argument defines the proposal for the implementation of a management model for artisan textile companies, taking the case of Almacenes Coronado in the city of Machala; based on the organizational conjunction of offering a product and service that satisfies or generates a need efficiently. Consequently, the implementation of a well-structured, documented management model with a qualitative - quantitative approach which integrates technical and managerial procedures will guarantee impact on the final quality of the product offered by the company; and through the high-level management that is provided through the mechanization and standardization of quality standards in the company, it can achieve greater competitiveness, productivity and sustainability compared to the competition. Decision-making based on the goals and objectives of the organization, risk-based reasoning and the most relevant one such as continuous improvement, are the bases to homogeneously structure a management model. This research work focuses on studying the quality of the product and its value chain or added value that the company offers; and thus, standardize its processes which allows detecting shortcomings and through continuous improvement allows to fully capture the expectations that the client has on product quality.


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How to Cite
Zambrano, F., Berzosa, J., Romero, W., & Mora, N. (2020). Implementation of a Management model for artisan textile companies: Case Almacenes Coronado. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 229-241.
Author Biographies

Franklin Guillermo Zambrano-Coronado, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Credit Analyst, CORPLAST C. Ltda.

Migration Control Analyst, Ministry of Government EC

Commercial Advisor, COMANDATO S.A.

Sales Executive, PALMAPLAST Cía. Ltda.

Warehouse Manager. PORTMASA S.A.

Credit Officer, COAC Santa Rosa Ltda.

Junior Omar Berzosa-Saritama, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Junior Berzosa, Piñas 1984, inspired by the new academic knowledge acquired, the experience of working in a nationally recognized institution and of talking with my colleague Guillermo Zambrano about the current economy, seeing that small companies have enormous potential with niches of market to explore and that only need guidance from a management model to obtain the desired success

Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Industrial Engineer, Research professor at UTMACH, professor of the Quality Management, Production Administration and Environmental Management chairs; PhD candidate in Environmental Science and Technology in Coruña-Spain, Project Manager for Relations with society, Industrial Technical Advisor with 5 years of experience in the industrial sector and 12 years in education and more than 10 investigations in the area of knowledge

Norman Mora, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


PhD in Business Administration (UNMSM),

Master of Business Administration (UTMACH),

Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH),

Bachelor of Business Administration

Chief Financial Administrative Officer of the Municipal Health Directorate GAD Machala (2001-2009)

Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009)

Former Coordinator of the UTMACH-MIPRO agreement (2014-2016),

Former University Extension Coordinator (2008-2010),

Professor at UTMACH since 1998


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