Psychopedagogy and inclusive education: challenges and opportunities in the integration of students with disabilities

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María Belén Morales-Jaramillo
Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz
Juan Pablo Andrade-Varela
Jenny Margoth Real-Ocaña


This study addresses the challenges and opportunities in the integration of students with disabilities through psychoeducation and inclusive education, highlighting the crucial role of assistive technologies in this process. The results show that tools such as screen readers, reading and writing software, interactive mobile applications and assistive technologies in mathematics significantly improve the accessibility of academic content and foster the autonomy and participation of students with disabilities in the classroom. However, the effectiveness of these technologies depends on factors such as teacher training and the availability of technological resources in educational institutions. Continuous and specialised training of teachers in the use of these tools is essential to ensure their effective integration into the educational process. In addition, the study highlights that the digital divide remains a major challenge, as the lack of adequate infrastructure can lead to exclusion rather than inclusion. Finally, it concludes that effective inclusive education requires not only technological resources, but also an inclusive educational culture, including comprehensive training for teachers and public policies that promote equal access to technology.


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How to Cite
Morales-Jaramillo , M. ., Simbaña-Veloz, G. ., Andrade-Varela , J. ., & Real-Ocaña , J. . (2025). Psychopedagogy and inclusive education: challenges and opportunities in the integration of students with disabilities . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 287-307.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

María Belén Morales-Jaramillo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduate in educational psychology, Master in teaching with a mention in Psychopedagogical Intervention. Currently he carries out teaching and research activities. 

Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychopedagogy from Hemisferios University. Master's Degree in Early Intervention: Prevention, Detection, and Intervention in Developmental and Learning Disorders from Complutense University of Madrid. Additionally, I published an essay on the film “Reign Over Me” in Punto Tlön magazine. 

Juan Pablo Andrade-Varela , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduate in Educational Psychology witha Master's Degree in Research in Education, Innovation and Curriculum Development.  

Doctorate in Education. I have carried out activities within the educational field in both the public and private sectors. I currently carry out teaching activities at UTA. 

Jenny Margoth Real-Ocaña , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Graduated in Psych. Educational and Vocational Counselor with a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology with a mention in Psychotherapy, I have worked in the Publio MINEDUC sector and the private sector in education currently as a teacher at the Technical University of Ambato 


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