The influence of educational video games on children's cognitive development

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Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo
Sofia Jhenifer Sosa-Quiñonez
Evelyn Andrea Jaramillo-Guzmán
Diana Aracelly Romero-Moya
Doménica Estefanía Nicolalde-Páez


Introduction: This study examines the influence of educational video games on children's cognitive development, a topic of growing relevance in the digital era. Objective: The objective is to analyze how these video games can enhance key skills such as attention, memory, executive functions, and logical reasoning, while also assessing the risks associated with their improper use. Methodology: The study employs a critical review of existing research that supports these benefits and outlines best practices for their implementation in educational settings. Results: Key findings indicate that educational video games, when designed with pedagogical purposes, facilitate active learning through interactive play. Studies show that these games can significantly improve performance in various academic areas, such as mathematics and reading, by capturing attention and promoting problem-solving. However, excessive use may lead to addiction issues and limitations in social interaction. Conclusion: The study concludes that educational video games can be effective tools for children's cognitive development when used appropriately and under supervision. It is crucial for parents and educators to establish clear boundaries and complement this learning modality with traditional methods. The proposed recommendations aim to maximize benefits while minimizing risks, fostering a balanced approach that supports children's holistic learning in today's digital society. 


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How to Cite
Núñez-Naranjo , A. ., Sosa-Quiñonez , S. ., Jaramillo-Guzmán , E. ., Romero-Moya , D. ., & Nicolalde-Páez, D. (2025). The influence of educational video games on children’s cognitive development . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 51-64.
Author Biographies

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Humanities and Arts with a specialization in Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Educational Research. Master's degree in Social and Productive Project Management. Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences. Engineer in Electronics and Communications. University professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both nationally and internationally. Currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Human Sciences and Education and a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 

Sofia Jhenifer Sosa-Quiñonez , Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador

Is a student in the Basic Education program at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Her research, titled "The Impact of Educational Video Games on Children's Cognitive Development," examines how these technological tools influence the enhancement of skills such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making in children. 

Passionate about pedagogical innovation, Evelyn focuses on integrating emerging technologies to create dynamic and effective learning environments. Her work aims to highlight the potential of educational video games as tools to motivate and enrich learning while contributing to the comprehensive development of students. Additionally, she is committed to developing inclusive strategies that incorporate technological resources into sustainable and meaningful teaching practices 

Evelyn Andrea Jaramillo-Guzmán , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Evelyn Andrea Jaramillo Guzmán is a student in the Basic Education program at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Her research, titled "The Impact of Educational Video Games on Children's Cognitive Development," examines how these technological tools influence the enhancement of skills such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making in children. 

Passionate about pedagogical innovation, Evelyn focuses on integrating emerging technologies to create dynamic and effective learning environments. Her work aims to highlight the potential of educational video games as tools to motivate and enrich learning while contributing to the comprehensive development of students. Additionally, she is committed to developing inclusive strategies that incorporate technological resources into sustainable and meaningful teaching practices.

Diana Aracelly Romero-Moya , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Diana Aracelly Romero Moya, student of the Basic Education program at the Indo-America Technological University, her current research "The impact of the use of educational video games on children's cognitive development", her research focuses on the impact of educational video games on cognitive skills such as problem solving, attention and memory in children pedagogical innovation and technology 

Doménica Estefanía Nicolalde-Páez, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Domenica Nicolalde Páez is a student of Basic Education at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Her current research, titled “The Impact of Educational Video Games on Children’s Cognitive Development,” aims to analyze how these technological tools can contribute to the development of skills such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making in children. Her interest in integrating technology into education has led her to participate in projects related to innovative methodologies and the design of interactive resources. Domenica combines her passion for teaching with her commitment to promoting inclusive and sustainable educational practices. Additionally, she is interested in how video games can foster meaningful learning and serve as a valuable resource in school settings. 


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