Inclusive Education: Technological Resources for students with specific needs

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Fernando Patricio Neira-Pesántez
Josselyn Yessenia Hulgo-Pullay
Soraida Karina Molina-Cabrera
Nayeli Alexandra Sánchez-Tituaña
Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo


Introduction: This paper addresses the impact of technological resources in building an inclusive education for students with specific needs. Objective: The aim is to analyze the implementation of technological resources in inclusive education to improve the participation and learning of students with specific needs. Methodology: A literature review was conducted, and content analysis methodology was applied. An interdisciplinary approach was used to raise awareness about the importance of adopting inclusive technologies to guarantee the right to quality education for all.
Results: Technological tools have become essential allies in ensuring equity and accessibility in the educational environment. Various platforms, applications, and devices are necessary for developing strategies that allow for the integration of these technologies in the classroom. Additionally, the challenges and opportunities that arise when implementing such tools are explored, highlighting their role in personalizing learning and reducing educational barriers. Conclusion: The studies reflect the importance of properly implementing inclusive technologies in the educational environment, promoting the inclusion of students with diverse needs.


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How to Cite
Neira-Pesántez , F., Hulgo-Pullay , J. ., Molina-Cabrera , S. ., Sánchez-Tituaña , N. ., & Núñez-Naranjo , A. . (2025). Inclusive Education: Technological Resources for students with specific needs . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 81-96.
Author Biographies

Fernando Patricio Neira-Pesántez , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Systems Analyst graduated from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Computer Programmer Technician. He is currently studying the VII Cycle of the Basic Education Program at the Indo-America Technological University. Teacher with definitive appointment, works at the Roberto Rodas Educational Unit in the city of Azogues. 

Josselyn Yessenia Hulgo-Pullay , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Technologist in Teaching from the Instituto Superior Universitario “Vida Nueva”. She is currently studying the 7th Cycle of the Basic Education Degree at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 

Soraida Karina Molina-Cabrera , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Higher Technician in Sign Language Interpretation. She is currently studying the VII Cycle of the Basic Education Program at the Indoamerica Technological University. 

Nayeli Alexandra Sánchez-Tituaña , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

She is currently studying the VII Cycle of the Basic Education Program at the Indoamerica Technological University. 

Aracelly Fernanda Núñez-Naranjo , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Humanities and Arts with a specialization in Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Educational Research. Master's degree in Social and Productive Project Management. Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences. Engineer in Electronics and Communications. University professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both nationally and internationally. Currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Human Sciences and Education and a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. 


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