Analysis of Basic Functions in Initial Education to Strengthen the Reading-Writing Process

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Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro
Diana Elizabeth Cevallos-Benavides
Darwin Italo Chicaiza-Aucapiña
Marcos Chacón-Castro


Preschool education constitutes the fundamental basis for building the maximum development of the child, which will impact throughout his or her life. The 101 educational institutions of the District (DE5) of Quito have not institutionalized processes for the diagnosis of basic functions, essential to overcome future difficulties in learning to read and write. The present work aims to contribute with an analysis of the current situation of the approach and intervention of basic functions in initial education. In this qualitative research, a semi-structured interview validated by four experts with a Content Validity Coefficient (0.95506 excellent) is designed, an instrument applied to the district authority, whose results were based on traditional pedagogical practices, absence of guidelines and procedures. with basic functions as well as the learning development gap in reading and writing, the result of a convulsed educational system and absence of pragmatic educational policies, so it is advisable to generate evaluation processes through applications that support the teacher with strategies for the correct development of basic functions in children at an early age. 


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How to Cite
Simbaña-Haro, M. ., Cevallos-Benavides, D. ., Chicaiza-Aucapiña, D. ., & Chacón-Castro, M. . (2025). Analysis of Basic Functions in Initial Education to Strengthen the Reading-Writing Process . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 306-317.
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Author Biographies

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro, Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas Amawtay Wasi - Ecuador

Mario Paúl Simbaña Haro is a research professor at the Amawtay Wasi Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples (UINPIAW). He obtained his bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, has a Master's degree in Educational Management and Social Development, PHD(c) in Educational Sciences at the University of Rosario, and has a Diploma in University Teaching and Research from the CIFE University Center in Mexico, his line research is Innovation and didactics in teaching-learning and epistemic sovereignty. He served as coordinator of the initial and basic education career, researcher/teacher at the Indoamérica Technological University, in the city of Quito, country Ecuador. He was National Director of Initial and Basic Education in the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, Author of publications of works related to early childhood education.

Diana Elizabeth Cevallos-Benavides, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Diana Cevallos Benavides candidate for a doctorate in Education at the National University of Rosario-Argentina. Master in Educational Management and Leadership at the Private University of Loja UTPL. Commercial Engineer at the Equinoccial Technological University UTE. Graduate in Educational Sciences, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo UEES. Currently a research teacher in Postgraduate Education for the Indo-America University UTI. Research teacher in Educational Master's Degree and online Diplomas for Human Talent Management at the University of the Americas UDLA. Invited teacher for the UNAE master’s degree in educational technology.

Darwin Italo Chicaiza-Aucapiña, Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas Amawtay Wasi - Ecuador

Full-time Assistant Professor 1 at Universidad Amawtay Wasi. PhD Candidate in Education at the National University of Rosario Argentina. Master in Education and Social Development from Technological University UTE. Degree in Philosophy and Pedagogy from the Salesian Polytechnic University. His lines of research are educational policies, cultural resistance and non-formal education. He has been manager and director of alternative education projects and cultural projects; trainer and consultant on various topics in the educational area and educational projects in Ecuador.

Marcos Chacón-Castro, Fundación Universitaria Internacional de La Rioja - Ecuador

Full-time ASSOCIATE TEACHER II at the Fundación Universitaria Internacional de La Rioja, candidate to PhD in Education Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, Master in Education with mention in research Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga and Bachelor in Mathematics from Universidad Industrial de Santander -Colombia. His lines of research Education and ICT's, Mathematics Education, Active Methodologies. He has been advisor and educational manager, projects and research director.


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