Validation of the instrument to measure dairy producers’ quality life in Mexico: expert´s opinion

Main Article Content

Nadia Carolina García-Aguilar
Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes
José Pablo Nuño-De La Parra
Emilio Díaz-Carreto
Nayeli Chiunti-González


The quality of life of dairy producers is essential to ensure the social, economic and ecological sustainability of the dairy sector. The objective of the research is to validate the content of the instrument of quality of life of dairy producers in Mexico, through the judgment of experts, the participants have more than ten years of experience in the dairy industry and research, with postgraduate studies. Each item was evaluated according to the criteria of relevance, coherence and clarity through the Fleiss Kappa coefficient and the Kendall W coefficient of concordance. The degree of affinity in each dimension was K> 0.832 and Kendall W> 0.876, showing an almost perfect agreement between the 5 evaluators for the 3 criteria. The content validation of the instrument of quality of life of dairy producers in Mexico presented, ensures that the items included are representative and relevant, confirming the clarity, coherence and relevance. 


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How to Cite
García-Aguilar , N. ., Quintero-Fuentes , M. ., Nuño-De La Parra , J. ., Díaz-Carreto, E. ., & Chiunti-González , N. . (2025). Validation of the instrument to measure dairy producers’ quality life in Mexico: expert´s opinion . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 247-255.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Nadia Carolina García-Aguilar , Colegio Interdisciplinario de Especialización / Universidad Anáhuac Veracruz - México

Doctoral candidate in Strategic Management Sciences at the Interdisciplinary Specialization College, Orizaba, Veracruz. Full time professor at the Universidad Anáhuac, Veracruz, Mexico. She holds a master's degree in Marketing, a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, both by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, where she collaborated for 20 years. She currently has 1 publication in the Journal CIM Multidisciplinary Research Colloquium.

Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes , Colegio Interdisciplinario de Especialización - México

Hourly postgraduate teacher at the Interdisciplinary Specialization College of Orizaba. Doctor in Strategic Planning and Technology Management from the Popular Autonomous University of Puebla. Master in Administration from the Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla. 

José Pablo Nuño-De La Parra , Universidad de Guanajuato - México

Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from 

the University of the Americas. 

Master of Industrial Engineering from the 

University of Arkansas. 

Doctorate from Oklahoma State 


Received the “Duc In Altum” award from 

UPAEP, for leadership after being 

selected by Harvard and MIT to be part of 

their network of alliances. 

Received the “Hall of Fame” recognition 

from the Institute of Strategy and 

Competitiveness of Harvard Business 


Entered the “Industrial Engineering 

Academy” of the University of Arkansas. 

Has published more than 120 articles and collaborated on 2 books by Dr. Hamdy Taha. Has directed more than 60 doctoral theses, and multiple master's and bachelor's projects. 

Emilio Díaz-Carreto , Nestlé S.A. de C.V. / Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - México

Senior Supply Manager in the Food Industry and Human Rights Coordinator. 

He holds a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) focused in finance by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. 

Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics and Finance by Brigham Young University.  


He is Agricultural Engineer by the Universidad Veracruzana with specialization in Agricultural Extension.  

He is co-author of two research papers published in the journals: Abanico Agroforestal and Región y Sociedad; and a publication from the Bern University of Applied Sciences. (Switzerland). 

Nayeli Chiunti-González , Colegio Interdisciplinario Especialización - México

Master in Image from the  

Interdisciplinary Specialization College of Orizaba. Subject professor in the Business Development Marketing Area at the Technological University of the Center of Veracruz. He has a Diploma in Teaching and Instructional Design – a bachelor's degree in communication - He currently has 1 publication in the Journal CIM Multidisciplinary Research  



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