Evaluation of the Learning Strategies of the Students of a Technological Higher Education Institution of the State of Veracruz

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Nayeli Chiunti-González
Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes
Manuel González-Pérez
Pedro Castillo-Cedillo


Learning strategies are fundamental for the acquisition of knowledge. The objective of this research is to evaluate the learning strategies of students of a Technological Higher Education Institution of the State of Veracruz. The present study is non-experimental, with a descriptive and comparative scope. The participants are 169 students of a Technological Higher Education Institution, the questionnaire used was Gargallo's CEVEAPEU.  The affective, support and control strategies presented a high level except in the affective components where they showed a medium level. Cognitive strategies showed a high level. The affective support and control strategies showed differences between the fourth and tenth quarters, except for the motivational strategies, where no differences were found. Cognitive strategies showed differences between the fourth and tenth quarters, except for information processing and use strategies, where no differences were found. Conclusion: The level of the students with respect to learning strategies is high, however, strategies should be generated to improve the affective components that allow a better performance; on the other hand, it was proved that the longer the four-month period, the better the management of learning strategies.


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How to Cite
Chiunti-González, N. ., Quintero-Fuentes, M. ., González-Pérez, M. ., & Castillo-Cedillo, P. . (2024). Evaluation of the Learning Strategies of the Students of a Technological Higher Education Institution of the State of Veracruz. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 510-520. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.6.2690
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Nayeli Chiunti-González, Colegio Interdisciplinario de Especialización / Universidad Tecnológica de Centro de Veracruz - México


 Master in Image from the Interdisciplinary Specialization College of Orizaba. Subject professor in the Business Development Marketing Area at the Technological University of the Center of Veracruz. He has a Diploma in Teaching and Instructional Design – a bachelor's degree in communication - He currently has 4 publications in the Multidisciplinary Research Colloquium Journal CIM and 1 in the magazine 593 Digital Publisher CEIT.

Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes, Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba / Colegio Interdisciplinario de Especialización - México


Hourly lecturer at the Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Lecturer in postgraduate courses at the Interdisciplinary College of Specialization in Orizaba. PhD in Strategic Planning and Technology Management from the Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla. Master’s degree in administration from the Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla. Industrial Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba and a bachelor’s in accounting from the Universidad Veracruzana. Publications in various specialized journals.

Manuel González-Pérez, Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamachalco - México


Manuel González-Pérez currently works at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamachalco (UTTECAM) and the National Institute of Technology of Mexico, Tepeaca campus. His current projects are 1) 'Chemical analysis of chemotherapy by quantum methods'. 2) Characterization of the student population of the TecNM Tepeaca campus Puebla Mexico. 3) Chemical-quantum analysis of anticancer and antidiabetic foods. 4) Sociological and educational study of the population.

Pedro Castillo-Cedillo, Colegio Interdisciplinario de Especialización - México


Postgraduate professor at the Interdisciplinary College. Doctor in Regional Development from the College of Tlaxcala. Master in Industrial Engineering from the Anahuac University. Publications in various specialized magazines


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