The comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education

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Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla
Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco
Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa
Alfredo Eduardo Figueroa-Oquendo


The study "Comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education" identifies the main didactic proposals that apply comics as a methodological resource to encourage creativity in the teaching of literature. The methodology used is a bibliographic-documentary approach, analyzing various academic sources to identify the main educational proposals that integrate comics into their practices. Works from several authors were examined, each providing unique perspectives on how comics can improve student motivation, facilitate understanding, and promote interdisciplinary learning. The results show that the comic is an effective tool to increase the participation and motivation of students, highlighting the ability to promote creativity, thanks to the combination of text and image that stimulates imagination and critical thinking due to its easy adaptation to diverse educational contexts and is inclusive. The conclusions indicate that comics are not only a valuable teaching resource, but also an innovative methodology that can transform the teaching of literature. It facilitates more dynamic and attractive learning, fostering critical and creative skills among students, highlighting the need to integrate comics into the educational curriculum to fully take advantage of its pedagogical benefits.

Key words: comic, curriculum, strategy, creativity, methodology.


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How to Cite
Paredes-Bonilla , G. ., Navas-Franco , L. ., Acuña-Checa , E. ., & Figueroa-Oquendo , A. . (2024). The comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 818-829.
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Author Biographies

Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Secondary and university education teacher, Workshop Specialist, Cultural Manager, Member of the CCNCH; Areas of knowledge: education, children's and youth literature. Texts published in several magazines in the city, Sacapuntas 1,2,3, in London Sharpeners with English-Spanish translation, Co-author with Anita Lucía Ruiz of the book Narrativa Ecuatoriana Contemporánea. Letras Ecuatorianas, Book shared with several writers in the country, published in 2016, 2017, 2018. 2020. Book Anthology of the International Movement Vuelo de mujer, cap. Ecuador, Mexico, France, and the anthology, Who we are. Moments 2020, collection of poems. Participation in poetry recitals and book fairs internationally. 

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Basic Education Teacher, more than 18 years of teaching activities in Basic Education and Baccalaureate Educational Institutions. Higher Education Teacher in the area of Basic Education in Training Projects related to the training of teachers in Education, as well as management activities in Liaison, Graduate Monitoring, Career Evaluation, Pre-professional Practices and Titling. Positions held such as Rector of the Swiss Educational Unit, ASRE Leader of District 18D01 Ambato and Coordinator of the Basic Education Course of the Indo-America Technological University. Thesis qualifying panel, undergraduate and graduate research projects of the Technical University of Ambato and the Indo-America Technological University. Currently, professor at the National University of Chimborazo, in the Pedagogy of Language and Literature Degree. 

Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Humanities and Technologies of the National University of Chimborazo-Ecuador. He has a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, mention in General Basic Education and a Master's degree in Language and Literature Pedagogy from the Technical University of Ambato. Occasional teacher at the State University of Milagro. He has worked in the private educational sector in educational units with thirteen years of experience, currently he has been teaching at the National University of Chimborazo for three years. 

Alfredo Eduardo Figueroa-Oquendo , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Currenly, he is an occasional professor at the National University of Chimborazo in the city of Riobamba  since  2017.  He  has  served  as  a  teacher  of  the  subjects  of:  Psychological  and Pedagogical Foundations, Pedagogy, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Environmental Education in  the  Formation  of  Ecological Consciousness,  Epistemologies of  the  South and History  of  Philosophy.  He has been part of the  career  commissions  of  the  careers  of Psychopedagogy and Basic Education.


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