The comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education
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The study "Comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education" identifies the main didactic proposals that apply comics as a methodological resource to encourage creativity in the teaching of literature. The methodology used is a bibliographic-documentary approach, analyzing various academic sources to identify the main educational proposals that integrate comics into their practices. Works from several authors were examined, each providing unique perspectives on how comics can improve student motivation, facilitate understanding, and promote interdisciplinary learning. The results show that the comic is an effective tool to increase the participation and motivation of students, highlighting the ability to promote creativity, thanks to the combination of text and image that stimulates imagination and critical thinking due to its easy adaptation to diverse educational contexts and is inclusive. The conclusions indicate that comics are not only a valuable teaching resource, but also an innovative methodology that can transform the teaching of literature. It facilitates more dynamic and attractive learning, fostering critical and creative skills among students, highlighting the need to integrate comics into the educational curriculum to fully take advantage of its pedagogical benefits.
Key words: comic, curriculum, strategy, creativity, methodology.
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