The best interest of the child or adolescent: its impact on the summons and settlement of pending child support values

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Rosa Elena Merino-Peñarreta
Carmen Susana Amagua-Almeida
Samuel Morales-Castro


The present study analyzes the application of the summons as a relevant procedural act within the procedures linked to the request for support, with rest in the protection of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents. From this perspective, it investigates practical situations that materialize in the event of non-compliance with the obligations of the obligor that affect the right to defense of the parties and the best interest as a guarantee that marks the effective exercise of justice in comparative law and in Particularly in the Ecuadorian case where the concentration of this procedural legal relationship has had uneven treatment.



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How to Cite
Merino-Peñarreta , R. ., Amagua-Almeida , C. ., & Morales-Castro , S. . (2024). The best interest of the child or adolescent: its impact on the summons and settlement of pending child support values. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 415-426.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Rosa Elena Merino-Peñarreta , Tribunales y Juzgados de la República del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, Mediator Certificate: Faculty of Law of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí. (Online Mediation Center Dispute Resolution Ecuador (Odr-E) Reg. CJ 118-2021. Training Certificate as a “Mediator”). 

Carmen Susana Amagua-Almeida , Tribunales y Juzgados de la República del Ecuador - Ecuador

Carmen Susana Amagua Almeida, Litigation Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, graduated from the Central University of Ecuador. With a master's degree in Law with a mention in Notarial and Registry Law, awarded by the Institute of Higher National Studies (IAEN). Mediator certified by the Faculty of Law of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí. She has worked in the public sector, however, as a precursor of workers' rights, her work focuses on technical defense and sponsorship of free exercise cases. Currently, he works in the negotiation of collective contracts in the GADs of Bolívar, Guano and Carchi. 

Samuel Morales-Castro , Universidad Bolivariana de Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in History and Law, Specialist in Civil Law and Doctor in Legal Sciences, PhD, from the University of Havana; Degree in Law, Master in International Trade Law, Expert in Trial Litigation Techniques, Master's Degree in the Practice of Law, from the International University of La Rioja, Spain. Master in Maritime Law from the Abat Oliba University, CEU. Lawyer from the University of Otavalo in Ecuador. Doctor in Legal and Political Sciences from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, PhD. Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Coordinator of the UBE Legal Office. Accredited researcher in different institutions. 


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Código Orgánico General de Procesos, Registro Oficial Suplemento No. 506, 22 de mayo de 2015.

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