The application of Universal Design for Learning (UDA) in Ecuadorian education

Main Article Content

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco
Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa
Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina
Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla


This article examines the process of applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Ecuadorian education, with the objective of evaluating its effectiveness and impact on the educational system. Considered an invaluable tool in contemporary education, the DUA seeks to promote equity, accessibility and educational quality, preparing students for the challenges of a diverse and dynamic world. The results show the analysis of 55 selected articles that addressed the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Ecuadorian educational institutions, with a focus on improving access and participation of all students in the educational process; Gaps were identified in the research, especially regarding the exhaustive evaluation of the impact of DUA on academic performance, pointing out the need for more longitudinal and exhaustive studies in this field. As an important contribution, the importance of considering the various perspectives and contexts was highlighted. sociocultural within the country when implementing the DUA in education. In conclusion, the implementation of the DUA in the Ecuadorian educational system shows flexibility and effectiveness, emphasizing the need to address challenges in teacher training and the inclusion of students with disabilities to maximize its impact and promote a more inclusive education. 


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How to Cite
Navas-Franco, L., Acuña-Checa , E. ., Cabrera-Urbina , E. ., & Paredes-Bonilla, G. . (2024). The application of Universal Design for Learning (UDA) in Ecuadorian education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(2), 554-564.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Basic Education Teacher, more than 18 years of teaching activities in Basic Education and Baccalaureate Educational Institutions. Higher Education Teacher in the area of Basic Education in Training Projects related to the training of teachers in Education, as well as management activities in Liaison, Graduate Monitoring, Career Evaluation, Pre-professional Practices and Titling. Positions held such as Rector of the Swiss Educational Unit, ASRE Leader of District 18D01 Ambato and Coordinator of the Basic Education Course of the Indo-America Technological University. Thesis qualifying panel, undergraduate and graduate research projects of the Technical University of Ambato and the Indo-America Technological University. Currently, professor at the National University of Chimborazo, in the Pedagogy of Language and Literature Degree. 

Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Professor of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Humanities and Technologies of the National University of Chimborazo-Ecuador. He has a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, mention in General Basic Education and a Master's degree in Language and Literature Pedagogy from the Technical University of Ambato. Occasional teacher at the State University of Milagro. He has worked in the private educational sector in educational units with thirteen years of experience, currently he has been teaching at the National University of Chimborazo for three years. 

Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina , Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Full-time professor of the Language and Literature Pedagogy Course; Faculty of Educational, Human Sciences and Technologies; National University of Chimborazo. Experience in supervision of pre-professional practices, direction of undergraduate and postgraduate theses and Responsible for the Degree process. Graduate in Educational Sciences, mention in Language Sciences and Literature. Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature. Studies on "Kichwa words as derogatory in the Ecuadorian novel Los Guandos: an approach to the novel created by Joaquín Gallegos Lara and Nela Martínez". Article on "The lexicon of the Ecuadorian mountains in the novel Los Guandos". 

Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador

Secondary and university education teacher, Workshop Specialist, Cultural Manager, Member of the CCNCH; Areas of knowledge: education, children's and youth literature. Texts published in several magazines in the city, Sacapuntas 1,2,3, in London Sharpeners with English-Spanish translation, Co-author with Anita Lucía Ruiz of the book Narrativa Ecuatoriana Contemporánea. Letras Ecuatorianas, Book shared with several writers in the country, published in 2016, 2017, 2018. 2020. Book Anthology of the International Movement Vuelo de mujer, cap. Ecuador, Mexico, France, and the anthology, Who we are. Moments 2020, collection of poems. Participation in poetry recitals and book fairs internationally.


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