Strategies to overcome learning difficulties in the area of Language and Literature

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Joselyn Maricela Cajamarca-Fiallos
Edwin Gustavo Moyón-Coronel
Rosa Margarita Pinta-Remache
Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López


The text provided addresses the topic of "Strategies to overcome difficulties in learning in the area of ​​Language and Literature." In which the importance of effective teaching of Language and Literature for the development of communication and comprehension skills in students is highlighted, and it can be noted that the lack of teacher training, limited educational resources, the adoption of a standardized approach and lack of early detection of difficulties can make significant challenges in teaching this area. The study is based on a qualitative and descriptive methodology, and focuses on the importance of pedagogical strategies, the development of both linguistic and literary skills, the integration of technology which maintains a fundamental role within the activities, the strategies psychopedagogical and the focus on communication skills. It is concluded that flexible pedagogical strategies adapted to the individual needs of students are essential to facilitate effective learning in Language and Literature


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How to Cite
Cajamarca-Fiallos , J. ., Moyón-Coronel , E. ., Pinta-Remache , R. ., & Miranda-López, X. . (2024). Strategies to overcome learning difficulties in the area of Language and Literature. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1-1), 37-50.
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Author Biographies

Joselyn Maricela Cajamarca-Fiallos , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Joselyn Mricela Cajamarca Fiallos, I was born in Pelileo City on September 12, 2000, and I am twenty-three (23) years old. 

I began my studies at the Pelileo Bilingual Educational Unit, after which I entered the José Ignacio Ordoñez Educational Unit school in which I finished my primary studies, my secondary studies were completed at the Juan León Mera La Salle Private Educational Unit. 

Finally, I am studying at the Technical University of the Ambato for the Psychopedagogy degree, the same I am studying for eight semesters. 

Edwin Gustavo Moyón-Coronel , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Edwin Gustavo Moyón Coronel, educational professional with a solid background in Educational Sciences, specialized in Language and Literature. With 10 years of teaching experience, he has obtained multiple postgraduate degrees, including Master's degrees in Language and Literature Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, Educational Evaluation and Innovation in Written Language Teaching. His innovative and practical approach has enriched his teaching, especially in the development of strategies for language comprehension and writing.

Rosa Margarita Pinta-Remache , Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador

Rosa Margarita Pinta Remache is an educational professional with a bachelor's degree in Basic Education and a postgraduate degree in Language and Literature Pedagogy. With eight years of experience as a teacher, she has contributed to the preparation of several scientific articles in the field of language and literature. 

Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Ximena Cumandá Miranda López, professional in Education, Master in Educational Psychologist with experience in Public and Private Educational Institutions in the Ambato canton. 

Currently, he works as a teacher in the Psychopedagogy program at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. 

He has coordinated and executed Research Projects that have contributed significantly to the development of teaching-learning processes. He has contributed to the writing of several scientific articles and has participated in presentations at the national and international level, exposing the results of the research carried out. 

Currently, he coordinates the Research Project called: Educational Innovation and strengthening of Critical Thinking from an inclusive approach, at the Technical University of Ambato-Ecuador, with innovative proposals to improve university educational quality. 


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