Social Media Plan for the promotion of an e-book on child hygiene habits

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Tatiana Cecibel Jumbo-Zambrano
María Claudia Rivera-Prado


The Covid-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of hygiene habits as a preventive measure for diseases especially in childhood. With the digitization of aspects of everyday life, new opportunities arise for the promotion and dissemination of messages through digital marketing strategies and social networks. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of a social media plan on the promotion of an electronic book (e-book) on child hygiene habits. The essential attributes of a marketing plan are identified through a literature review and validation through the DELPHI method with experts. The most effective social networks to promote child hygiene habits are determined and the most used marketing strategies are analyzed along with specific recommendations for the promotion of e-books and a focus group is carried out to collect opinions about their content. The results expose the appropriate tools to carry out a digital campaign of e-books and provide specific recommendations for the promotion of child hygiene. In conclusion, the publication of a well-designed e-book on child hygiene habits can be an effective tool for parents or caregivers to obtain adequate information and guide children in their personal care in the digital age.


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How to Cite
Jumbo-Zambrano, T. ., & Rivera-Prado , M. . (2023). Social Media Plan for the promotion of an e-book on child hygiene habits . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 441-455.
Author Biographies

Tatiana Cecibel Jumbo-Zambrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador / Universidad Central del Ecuador  - Ecuador

Tatiana Cecibel Jumbo Zambrano was born in Ecuador, in the city of Esmeraldas.

She has a third level degree as a Designer with a Mention in Visual Communication graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and a Fourth Level Degree in Marketing with a mention in Digital Marketing from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

Freelance designer.

María Claudia Rivera-Prado , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Marketing graduated with honors and Master in Marketing and Market Research with a specialization in Communication at the Universitat de Valencia, Spain. Professor and accredited researcher by Senescyt. Has published works with a technological focus in the areas of Social Sciences and behavior.


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