The Place of God in Today's Education: An Exploration of Its Inclusion, Implementation, and Rationale

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Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño


The role of religious and moral education in modern education has been the subject of considerable debate in recent years. While some argue that religion has no place in education, others maintain that including religious beliefs can positively impact students' moral and spiritual development. This literature review examines current research and perspectives on the issue of incorporating God's values into education and its potential impact on students' moral development, personal fulfillment, and social connectedness. The author suggests that future research could focus on examining the impact of religious and moral education on students' moral reasoning and behavior through longitudinal studies, exploring effective teaching methods for diverse and inclusive classroom settings, and investigating the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating God's values into online learning environments. By equipping students with the tools to make ethical and responsible decisions, religious and moral education can significantly foster a more respectful, compassionate, and sustainable society. 


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How to Cite
Ayala-Pazmiño , M. (2023). The Place of God in Today’s Education: An Exploration of Its Inclusion, Implementation, and Rationale . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 718-725.
Author Biography

Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño , Universidad del Pacífico - Ecuador

Tiene títulos en Informática, Administración de Empresas, Ciencias de la Educación, y recibió su PhD en Educación de la Universidad de Melbourne en Melbourne, Australia, en el 2018, con su mayor concentración de estudio en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros, pedagogía, gestión educativa, y educación superior. Es educador y tiene experiencia como Coordinador Académico. Su experiencia previa también incluye trabajar como jefe de área de Humanidades y Comunidad y Servicio. Fue profesor en la Universidad Monash en Melbourne, Australia, en la Universidad de Las Américas en Quito, y en la Universidad de Guayaquil. El Dr. Ayala es miembro de la Asociación de Docentes de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad Monash, Australia. 


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