Selection of human talent through social networks: a mixed methods study

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Alexander David Garcés-Lescano
Michael Alejandro Silva-Mejía
Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


The selection of personnel has been classified as a macro-process composed of several activities. From this point, the objective of the work was to analyze how human resources professionals use social platforms in hiring decisions during the different stages of the selection process. The research uses a mixed methods sequential explanatory approach. The first study consisted of a questionnaire-based survey of professional recruitment with the intention of describing various aspects of current practice (n = 429). The survey data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The second study comprised semi-structured interviews with hiring professionals to provide a greater depth of analysis (n = 24). The data from the interviews were analyzed using a qualitative thematic analysis. The results revealed two types of users. Single-stage users emphasized efficiency concerns, while multi-stage users mentioned accessing profiles as needed. The evaluation of information from social platforms is not usually systematic, but some employers reported that they use scales, mainly in pre-selection.


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How to Cite
Garcés-Lescano, A., Silva-Mejía, M., & Moreno-Gavilanes, K. (2022). Selection of human talent through social networks: a mixed methods study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-2), 233-251.
Author Biographies

Alexander David Garcés-Lescano, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Alexander David Garcés Lescano, future Degree in Business Administration from the Technical University of Ambato, Technical Bachelor of Computer Science from the Bolivar National College, In my work, I have served as Facilitator of the Benítez Infocentro, belonging to CNT, I have carried out my professional practices in the GAD Municipality of Ambato in the Human Talent Area, I have worked in the marketing area of ​​the Adelca company as a surveyor in a market study, I have also worked for the Grupo Sur company as a Commercial Advisor

Michael Alejandro Silva-Mejía, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Silva Mejía Michael Alejandro Bachelor of general sciences at the “San Alfonso” school, currently a student at the technical university of Ambato in the faculty of administrative sciences of the business organization career, took courses at CRISFE on financial culture and an international seminar in finance, productivity and administration at the Chimborazo Polytechnic Higher School, as work experience, I was a commercial assistant in the Grupo Sur company and currently working in the production area of ​​the impatex corporation.

Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Klever Moreno Gavilanes, Doctor in Business Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). He has fourth-level academic degrees of Master's Degree in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation (Ecuador), Master's Degree in Business Financial Management (Ecuador), and Master's Degree in Business Organization (Spain). Within the third level academic degree, he is a Business Engineer and a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences from the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). Related to his teaching0. experience, he has directed Postgraduate Modules in several universities in the central area of ​​Ecuador. He was Director of Research Projects at the Technical University of Ambato. Currently, he is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). As part of his professional experience, he has served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Coordinator of the Marketing and Business Management Career at the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a deputy member of the Council for Higher Education (CES).


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