Administrative decision of listings in the Quito Stock Exchange: un approach to the effects of financial volatility in the manufacturing sector
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The manufacturing sector constitutes a main component of development in the national economy and the presence of the Covid-19 health crisis has caused an imbalance in its administrative and operational actions. Manufacturing industries have limited their presence in the Quito Stock Exchange for the year 2021; therefore, the present study aims to analyze the effects of financial volatility in the manufacturing sector in the Quito Stock Exchange through the application of the CAPM model. To do this, an investigation with a quantitative approach and correlational scope was used by extracting the price of the shares of the Quito Stock Exchange and the companies were determined as the unit of analysis: Cervecería Nacional C.N, Holcim Ecuador and Industrias Ales. The results obtained showed that Cervecería Nacional CN and Holcim Ecuador have a lower systematic risk than the market, while Industrias Ales did not present volatility in its prices and caused its shares not to show returns for the year 2021. In conclusion, it is convenient the purchase of shares of Cervecería Nacional and Holcim Ecuador, since, in a historical analysis, the growth of their yields has been evidenced and it is considered an investment opportunity.
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