Management of the commercial customer of Tungurahua: an attitudinal response of business loyalty

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Paola del Rocío Morales-Gordón
Francisco Alejandro Vargas-Carrillo
Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allows companies an adequate balance in the marketing of products or services. However, one of the shortcomings of SME companies, the lack of definition of market operating strategies (90%), as well as lack of knowledge of the commercial management system that allows employees to use comprehensive commercial tools in the attributes of the price, product, and customer service (10%). For this reason, it is intended to analyze the influence of CRM on companies in the province of Tungurahua as an attitudinal response to customer loyalty. An exploitative factor analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using Spearman's Rho method with the SPSS software tool. As a result, the CRM allows the implementation of different marketing and sales action strategies towards clients where it helps to interact effectively and efficiently with current clients and potentially oriented to companies in the province of Tungurahua. As well as greater emphasis is placed on relationships with customers, the product, the level of satisfaction in different aspects of personalized attention, the prioritization of the price and the quality of the product that led to customer loyalty towards companies.


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How to Cite
Morales-Gordón , P. ., Vargas-Carrillo, F. ., & Moreno-Gavilanes, K. . (2023). Management of the commercial customer of Tungurahua: an attitudinal response of business loyalty. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 213-227.
Author Biographies

Paola del Rocío Morales-Gordón , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Paola del Rocío Morales Gordón, future graduate in Business Organization Technical University of Ambato, Bachelor of Science in the Mariano Benítez Educational Unit, in the workplace, I have done my pre-professional practices in the Honorable Decentralized Autonomous Government of Ambato. In addition, I have worked as a salesperson in the jeans manufacturer "Tobes Jeans" 

Francisco Alejandro Vargas-Carrillo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Francisco Alejandro Vargas Carrillo, future graduate in Business Organization Technical University of Ambato, Bachelor of Science in the San Pio X Educational Unit in the city of Ambato. He has participated in the project to strengthen inter-institutional entrepreneurship and innovation. In terms of work, I have done my pre-professional practices in the company ROVIMP S.A, I have also worked as a Crossfit coach. 

Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Klever Moreno Gavilanes, Doctor in Business Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). He has fourth-level academic degrees of Master's Degree in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation (Ecuador), Master's Degree in Business Financial Management (Ecuador), and Master's Degree in Business Organization (Spain). Within the third level academic degree, he is a Business Engineer and a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences from the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). Related to his teaching0. experience, he has directed Postgraduate Modules in several universities in the central area of ​​Ecuador. He was Director of Research Projects at the Technical University of Ambato. Currently, he is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). As part of his professional experience, he has served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Coordinator of the Marketing and Business Management Career at the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a deputy member of the Council for Higher Education (CES). 


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