Intellectual capital management: a competitive impact factor in the manufacturing industry of the province of Tungurahua
Main Article Content
The objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between intellectual capital and competitiveness in SMEs in the manufacturing industry of Tungurahua. 420 surveys were applied to SMEs in the manufacturing industry in Tungurahua during the period January to March 2022. The variables to be analyzed were: 1) financial performance, 2) cost reduction and 3) use of technology. The findings revealed that the manufacturing SMEs of Tungurahua have a high correlation towards competitiveness. It has been concluded that the factors use of technology, costs and financial performance are related to the factors of information search, knowledge development and learning, feedback as axes of intellectual capital. It has been identified that SMEs are in a process of transformation of administrative schemes, with a more cognitive and sustainable system, being aware of creating and generating new information, increasing the development of knowledge and learning and feedback of knowledge throughout the company. organization.
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