Social Media as a strategy to increase the brand awareness of the recycling company Proplastic Maxmetal

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Jennifer Tatiana Chango-Guamanquispe
Pablo Vidal-Fernández


The main objective of this research is the main objective of this research was to analyze social media as a strategy to increase the brand awareness of the recycling company Proplastic Maxmetal. As a problem, it was evidenced that the recycling sector presents great changes and trends in the use of technological tools within its internal processes, as well as in those of promotion or dissemination of its services. As a methodology it is based on a descriptive study, with bibliographic-documentary research that used the analysis-synthesis method and field research. The population sample addressed was 384 people from the PEA. As a result, two headings are presented where the current situation of the company in the local context and the proposal of the social media plan are analyzed. Finally, as conclusions, it is presented that brand awareness goes beyond the recognition of the name or logo but involves the ability to remember and influence the decision of products or services. 


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How to Cite
Chango-Guamanquispe, J. ., & Vidal-Fernández, P. . (2022). Social Media as a strategy to increase the brand awareness of the recycling company Proplastic Maxmetal . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 70-83.
Author Biographies

Jennifer Tatiana Chango-Guamanquispe, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Degree in Marketing and Business Management, graduated from the Technical University of Ambato. With experience in the public and private sector in the field of marketing and sales, administration, marketing management, accounting, logistics. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Marketing. 

Pablo Vidal-Fernández, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Doctor in Communication Sciences from the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain). 

Author of several indexed scientific articles and books reviewed by academic peers in the field of Digital Communication and Market Research. 

Senescyt Researcher: REG-INV-18-02084 


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