Neuromarketing strategies in the digital field for the chocolate industry: Flaviopolis Case, Portoviejo Canton, 2024

Main Article Content

Lizeth Estefania Nuñez-Flores
Pablo Vidal-Fernández


This article presents neuromarketing strategies for the FLAVIOPOLIS chocolate brand, with the aim of strengthening its competitive position in the digital market. The strategies are based on neuromarketing techniques aimed at adapting advertising messages to the preferences and needs of the consumer. The importance of neuromarketing is recognized to improve the navigability, design and content of digital platforms, thus influencing brand perception and attracting new customers. The research integrates the review of concepts and theories about consumer emotions and their relationship with the brand. In addition, a situational diagnosis is carried out on the brand's digital presence in the digital ecosystem. The research includes quantitative and qualitative methods through interviews with company personnel and a survey applied to the population of the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador. The results reveal low brand awareness among surveyed consumers, as well as low adoption of e-commerce when purchasing chocolates. Despite this, there is a preference for bar chocolate and a positive assessment of factors such as quality and price. This study highlights the importance of implementing effective neuromarketing strategies in the digital sphere to improve the competitive position of FLAVIOPOLIS. The need to strengthen brand awareness and improve the online shopping experience to attract and retain customers in the digital market is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Nuñez-Flores , L. ., & Vidal-Fernández , P. . (2024). Neuromarketing strategies in the digital field for the chocolate industry: Flaviopolis Case, Portoviejo Canton, 2024. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 641-654.
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Author Biographies

Lizeth Estefania Nuñez-Flores , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador / Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master in Marketing with a mention in Digital Marketing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. 

Commercial Engineer with a mention in Foreign Trade graduated from the State University of the South of Manabí. 

Pablo Vidal-Fernández , Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Doctor in Communication Sciences from the Jaume I University of Castellón. Spain. 

Master in New Trends in Communication. Jaume I University of Castellón. Spain. 

Master in Digital Marketing. Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). 

Diploma in Business Sciences. Carlos III University (Madrid). 

Full Professor at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí. 

Postgraduate Professor at Different National and International Universities. 

Senescyt researcher. 

Author of books and articles indexed in national and international databases Web of Science (WOS), SciELO and Latindex Catalog 2.0. 

Business consultant in the area of ​​digital marketing and strategic communication.


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