Cooperative learning methodology: group work techniques in teaching and educational improvement
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The general objective of this research was to propose a protocol or methodological procedure for cooperative learning and group work techniques in teaching to improve educational quality. Regarding the methodology, this is of a mixed paradigm, of an analytical correlational method, of a basic type, of a descriptive and propositional level, and of a longitudinal temporality and a non-experimental design. Regarding the sample, there were 100 students of both genders from the last two semesters of the Professional Schools of Law, Nursing and Accounting from the 2014-2015 period of the UANCV, and to whom a questionnaire was applied. Regarding the results: The subjects given to teachers. It is observed that 87% of students state that teachers do not make an effort to improve their teaching methodology. And it was concluded that: A protocol or methodological procedure for cooperative learning and work techniques is proposed, which are: cooperative group work techniques, due importance of group work, using group techniques in learning, leader of the cooperative group, promoting group discussion techniques, discussion in a cooperative group and techniques for working in a large group.
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