Increased stress and social panic in the face of knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic: Puno region case, 2020
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The development of this research aimed to determine the impact of knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic on the increase in stress and social panic in the case of the Puno region - 2020, under the hypothesis that indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic 19 has had a detrimental impact on the levels of stress and social panic, increasing them significantly in the case of the Puno region, the realization of it was based on the hypothetical deductive method, a quantitative approach, correlational descriptive scope and non-experimental design. , for this, a simple random probabilistic sampling of 317 people from the Puno region was used. For the processing and tabulation of the collected data, statistical tools were used through the program known as SPSS v.24. Finally, the development of the research concluded that the pandemic has been a detrimental factor for the mental health of the Puno population, since in this pandemic reality that we are going through, mental incidents in citizens are a matter of concern for the system. of health and for the professionals who are related to it, since the effects on mental health mentioned will trigger a multitude of cases of diseases due to stress and panic.
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