La Training for sustainable entrepreneurship at the JUVAF Vinces Foundation, Ecuador

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Ana Magdalena Malvacias-Escalona
Mayra Lorena Zambrano-Chamba
Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez
Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias


This research supports the importance of the inclusion of entrepreneurship education by the academy, which requires its implementation from basic education to university education. This issue is relevant not only for the entrepreneur, but for the progress of society itself; For this reason, in order for entrepreneurship to become a development factor, educational institutions have to articulate with the state and the private sector. The objective of this research is to analyze the knowledge in the business area of ​​the entrepreneurs of the JUVAF foundation, in addition to describing what are the causes that prevent their ventures from being sustainable. In order to consider the aforementioned elements, an investigation was carried out with a quantitative approach, a non-experimental cross-sectional and field design, the level of the investigation is descriptive. A questionnaire made up of 10 closed questions was applied to measure the knowledge in the business area of ​​the entrepreneurs. It was evidenced that entrepreneurs need to be trained in some business areas such as marketing and administrative management, which must be managed according to the circumstances of the economic environment.


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How to Cite
Malvacias-Escalona, A., Zambrano-Chamba, M., Tafur-Méndez, F., & Almao-Malvacias, V. (2022). La Training for sustainable entrepreneurship at the JUVAF Vinces Foundation, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2-1), 14-26.
Author Biographies

Ana Magdalena Malvacias-Escalona, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Master in Finance and Business Management. Yacambú University


Accounting degree from Yacambú University.


Research professor at EuroAmericano Technical College (Topics: finance, accounting, entrepreneurship and education)


Professor at Universidad Politécnica Territorial del estado Lara Andrés Eloy Blanco (UPAEB)

Mayra Lorena Zambrano-Chamba, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Coordinator of the Pedagogical Assistance career at EuroAmericano Technical College.

Research Teacher of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, Academic

Tutor at FETAFUR Consulting S.A. Magister in Education with mention in Inclusive Education

Trainer of Trainers and Instructor in Training Activities

Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Research Coordinator and Head of Online Education Department at EuroAmericano Technical College. 

Researcher for Ecuador's Ministry of Education and Founder and CEO of FETAFUR Consulting S.A.

Master's degree in and educational technology and innovation and Trainer of Trainers

Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Research assistant at Tafur Consulting S.A.

Trainer of Trainer of Trainers.

Member of the projects of the Research Plan 2021 of the University of Guayaquil.

Speaker at the 1st International Congress on Community Service from the University of Guayaquil 2021


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