Incidence of the work environment on the teaching performance of the Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education at the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas – ESPE

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Leonardo Xavier Quintanilla-Ayala
Carlos Roberto Quintanilla-Aldeán
Yeimer Prieto-López


The main characteristic of any organization, including educational institutions, is teamwork, which is composed of many people having different abilities, skills, experience, and personalities; based on this fact, it is significant to consider that work environment is a key factor for the suitable functioning of any institution as well as the achievement of the objectives set ahead of time.

In this current research, the existing connection between the organizational environment perceived by teachers of the Basic Education Program at the University of the Armed Forces - ESPE and the performance of their working functions was established. These aspects are framed in the principle that a teacher is not only the main element who is directly related to a student, but also, he is the one who conveys some specific information to a pupil. Furthermore, a teacher is the main component who communicates the philosophy, values, ​​and principles of the institution either verbally, or through his / her actions in his / her professional performance. The aforementioned aspect goes far beyond the teacher´s knowledge in terms of his / her own field of teaching, since it has to deal with the level of satisfaction he / she feels when providing his / her services in an organization where he / she feels a sense of general well-being; this issue motivates him / her to obtain better results in his / her educational work.

This research was based on a mixed-cut methodology, which combines descriptive and correlational methodologies, as well as hypothetical - deductive and inductive - deductive methodologies. It has a population of 84 teachers who were applied a survey on perception on the Work Environment, which considers, among other aspects, the dimensions of organization, communication, and collaborative work. It is also important to mention that an interview was designed and applied to experts in the field, such professional contributed with valuable reflections about this research topic.


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How to Cite
Quintanilla-Ayala, L., Quintanilla-Aldeán, C., & Prieto-López, Y. . (2022). Incidence of the work environment on the teaching performance of the Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Education at the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas – ESPE. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1-1), 116-135.
Author Biographies

Leonardo Xavier Quintanilla-Ayala, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Magister in university teachingMagister in military strategyUndergraduate degree in physical education, sports and recreationUndergraduate degree in Military SciencesInstructor atEloy Alfaro HigherMilitary SchoolInstructor at Vencedores del Cenepa Military SchoolDirector of Human and Social Sciences Department at the University of the Armed Forces ESPEVice rector in charge at the University of the Armed Forces ESPEPublished works by Latindex and Scielo.Thesis advisor at the career of Pedagogy in physical activity, sports and recreation at ESPE.More than 400 hours of training in Education and Pedagogy during 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Carlos Roberto Quintanilla-Aldeán, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Roberto Quintanillahas an undergraduate degree inadministrative and commercial studies. He has worked for several years in sales. He has been working as a teacher of Entrepreneurship and Management in the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education since 5 years ago. He has been the area coordinatorand a member of the technical pedagogical team.

Yeimer Prieto-López, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and in the Master of Educational Management. Professor at the Ecotec Technological University.Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twentypublications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex, Dialnet, Redalyc, Scopusand Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than fourhundred hours of training in Education and Pedagogy in 2020, 2021 and 2022.


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