Economic discount strategy: a comparative effectiveness analysis between quantity shortage and restriction time
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The present work arises from the problem identified in retailers who sell the same product at different prices. Thus, it is critical that consumers assess the attractiveness of a specific sale price and that retailers facilitate that assessment. The objective of the work was to examine the perception of shortage of quantity in a monetary discount helps to improve the perceptions and intentions related to the supply of consumers. The method used was quantitative since the perception of consumers in the face of monetary discounts and restriction time was evaluated according to the correlational order. The study took into account 160 adult buyers from the commercial sector of the province of Tungurahua in Ecuador. The findings revealed that the relative effectiveness of quantity shortage and time restriction depends on the prominence of price-related signals in an ad. It is concluded that, the writing can help retailers to improve the effectiveness of monetary discounts to conditionally use the scarcity message and time restriction to increase the attractiveness of prices.
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