Low-cost social networks as an inbound marketing strategy: Nidel company case

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Gloria Arleth Montejo-Cruz
Ana Cristel Perera-Hernández
Zuleivy Yarahí Damián-López
José Alberto Sánchez-López


This article is a research proposal on the topic of strategies in social networks at low cost applied to the company Nidel, where it was determined that it presents difficulties in the use of marketing and digital marketing strategies, consequently, clients do not know the services offered and do not have the possibility of online contact with the company. To get out of this situation and overcome the crisis, the objective is to design and apply strategies in social networks at low cost in the company based on inbound marketing and increase the digital presence. The project corresponding to the qualitative approach with the flexibility of obtaining customer behavior data with a study of a sample of 653 people, which was obtained through the statistical formula for finite population using a margin of error of 0.04% and rate 96% probability. The results are to know the behavior of customers with the information obtained, which hopes to determine through the comparison of qualitative information, how much to apply each of the social networks at low cost to later propose a design of an inbound marketing strategy achieving improve its positioning and / or make it more recognized. Through the investigation it is concluded that the insurer Nidel seeks to recognize this sector through social network strategies in such a way that said results favor the level of income, contributing satisfactorily to the local economy.


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How to Cite
Montejo-Cruz , G. ., Perera-Hernández, A. ., Damián-López , Z. . ., & Sánchez-López, J. . (2021). Low-cost social networks as an inbound marketing strategy: Nidel company case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 159-171. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.6-1.894
IV Coloquio de Investigación Estudiantil ITSE - Administración
Author Biographies

Gloria Arleth Montejo-Cruz , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


I study at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega, currently in the seventh semester of the bachelor's degree in administration, I have participated in workshops on "Digital Tools", "Entrepreneurial Talent Model", institutional support "Graduates with CSR" and the workshop "Pride of recycling ”, In addition to training as an administrative assistant at the training center for industrial work 50.

Ana Cristel Perera-Hernández, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


I am Ana Cristel Perera Hernández, student of the Bachelor of Administration at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega, studying the seventh semester, I have taken courses such as entrepreneurial talent model, graduates with Corporate Social Responsibility, in addition to a certificate for the specialty of microcomputer operation .

Zuleivy Yarahí Damián-López , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


I am Zuleivy Yarahí Damián López, a student at the Escárcega Higher Technological Institute, studying the seventh semester of the Bachelor of Administration, I have taken courses such as Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility, in addition to participating in a children's council in Ciudad del Carmen and in a children's congress in the state of Campeche, in the same way courses in finance for MYPYMES in times of pandemic.

José Alberto Sánchez-López, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Professor of the bachelor's degree in administration for 10 years at a higher level, master's studies in administration, current doctoral student at UCI-Mexico, Prodep profile, leader of the academic body "Management and business development" with key ITSESCA-CA-2, certification in the standard of competence EC0647 "To promote meaningful learning in Upper Secondary and Higher Education". Research related to issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, Digital Marketing, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship.


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