The fifth P of Marketing: Personal or People
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The Fifth P of marketing: the staff is a substantial element in the provision of a service. However, it involves different setbacks. One of the problems that exists in the cafeteria in the town of Escárcega is staff turnover, since employees are constantly replaced due to their lack of commitment to the company, without providing correct customer service, which causes diners do not return to the establishment or express their non-conformities to the manager. In this situation, the P for People will be used, emphasizing the training of employees, since the staff often lack the knowledge to know how to treat the client. Through this research, the aim is to improve the quality of the company's service by creating strategies to increase the level of attention and commitment of the employees. The research approach is qualitative, in the same way it is considered descriptive, since it includes the description, registration, analysis and interpretation of current nature. A interview will be applied, where the 8 employees of the company will participate; As it is a unique case, it is not necessary to calculate the sample, therefore 100% of the population is considered, the data obtained will be analyzed using Excel and SPSS software using tables and graphs. It is intended that the short-term benefits of the project will be the increase in sales in the company, as well as improving the quality, speed and attention from the employee.
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